Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thankful Thursday

Shyla is a sweet and sensitive dog who seems to read every nuance of my state of mind. In these days of me feeling so much stress, her love means the world to me. She is my steady partner who is out on the trails with me every morning. I often sing to her when we're in the remote parts of the forest. Shyla is the only being on earth who loves my singing. I am tone deaf and have a terrible voice - but Shyla comes running to me whenever I sing!

She has come so far since her days of utter fear. She is still a mild-mannered dog who tries to fly under the radar. On our trails, she knows which neighbors she likes and which ones scare her. With the ones who she likes, she sidles up to them to nuzzle their hands, looking for pats. She's formed great friendships with those chosen people.
The people who Shyla fears rarely even know that she's nearby when we see them in the forest. She seems to smell or hear them long before I do. She heads into the forest to hide until I've passed them. If I stop to chat with them, she is hovering nearby, hiding behind a tree or lying in the shade. Sometimes I tell them that Shyla is hiding nearby and sometimes I never mention it.

After she comes out of hiding, I loosen her up with some play.
I feel so lucky to have Shyla in my life. Seven years ago, we saved her from her very fearful start and now she buoys my spirits almost daily.

Many thanks to Brian for hosting the Thankful Thursday blog hop.


  1. Hari OM
    And brings a smile to those of us out here watching her through your lens! YAM xx

  2. her eyes!!!!! fantabulous... phenny loves my singing too... but he likes a lot of weird things LOL

  3. You are one very smart girl, Shyla!

  4. We sure are super Shyla fans here, she is a sweetie gal. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. Catching That Treat, I Find A Smile Across My Face

    Big Hugs

  6. We are all thankful for your pups and all the wonderful adventures you share with us.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. oh! beautiful Shyla... we love you! XO

  8. That last image makes me smile from ear to ear.

  9. KB what a beautiful post...ummmmm Dogs have excellent hearing so obviously your voice is music to her ears.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. I am thankful she has had 7 wonderful years with you and that she is better. she is so beautiful and smart, and it hurts my heart she is afraid of people... great shots as always

  11. She is such a fun girl who really enjoys her time out with you.

  12. She is a lucky girl to have found herself in your home. It's evident she has repaid your kindness with the love only a dog can demonstrate.

  13. We think Shyla is probably spot on with the people she's scared of....dogs know.

  14. Happy Thankful Thursday!!! Shyla is such a wonderful and fun girl. She is always having such a great time with the photos that you share. She must love the time she spends with you everyday. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  15. She buoys are as well. Thanks for sharing her.

  16. Shyla is a very smart girl. Wouldn't we all love to avoid those people we don't care for? She is lucky she does not have to be polite. I love that you just let her do what she needs to.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. Shyla's treat-catching face never fails to make me smile!

  18. 7 years! How can it be?? Seems like yesterday...

  19. Shyla is so special. We are glad she has found some people that she feels comfortable enough to ask for pets
    Mabel & Hilda

  20. KB,,, you and Shyla have grown so much together.. She feels about you,,, just as you feel about her,, I am sure


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