Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

It's Black Dog Sunday. It's been a week of hot sun and then afternoon monsoons. One great consequence is that the Mariposa Lilies have bloomed wildly.

The lilies and all of the other flowers have made our meadows into a riot of colors. R and I have loved our time together there.

Another effect of the hot but rainy weather is that wild mushrooms are popping up everywhere on the forest floor. You may be wondering - How are wild mushrooms relevant to our Black Dog? Long time readers might remember.

Our Black Dog developed the bad habit of eating mushrooms years ago. He usually eats only one kind of mushroom - one that is safe. Many wild animals in our forest eat R's favorite variety. However, a few years ago, R made an almost fatal mistake by eating a different kind of mushroom, a poisonous one. He had severe neurological symptoms from his mistake, including seizures. We rushed him to the best local emergency vet. Then, they put him in an ambulance and transported him to Colorado State Vet School. Amazingly, he survived.

Thanks to all of the efforts of multiple vets, he is alive and running through wildflowers now.
Now, we are at the time of year when we must protect him from his love of mushrooms. To run over to the meadow with me, he must wear a muzzle to stop him from eating mushrooms. He hates the muzzle but loves playing in the meadow. That's a reasonable trade-off from R's viewpoint, I think.

We are being very careful this year. At almost 12 years old, we are not sure that his body could survive mushroom poisoning. So, we protect him from himself.

Happy Black Dog Sunday! We love our boy!


  1. thanks for the reminder, mushrooms are rampant here right now, our front yard is covered in them, will go check the back yard as soon as it gets daylight. we have had ultra heat and lots of rain, and they are growing like weeds...

  2. We went back and reread R's near fatal oopsie. Thank doG you made it through but we agree with your mom, R - you gotta stay safe with your muzzle. We love seeing you so happy as you race through the beautiful wildflowers!

  3. Oh BLK Dog, You Sure Know How To Make A Guy Smile. I Just Love Those Ears Of Yours. I Could Cuddle Up In That Wildflower Filled Meadow With Ya All Day Long. Extra Treats Just Because!!


  4. Thank goodness he was able to overcome the effects of the poisoning. He looks so happy in these photos!

  5. Hari OM
    Crikey, R, 'shrooms' are not good, stay away from them darling dog! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Oh yes, I so remember that and the wonderful Vets who gave you such a miracle. Yes, caution is absolutely the best thing.

  7. The lilies are so pretty and a new type of flower to me. R please please don't eat bad mushies ever again.
    It is amazing that somehow you know which is good and which is not or you have outgrown you desire.

    Hugs cecilia

  8. Oh goodness, I don't remember that story. Not sure if it was before I started following you, or if it's just my bad memory! I think there was a dog on another blog who did die from eating poison mushrooms, so I've always watched Luke carefully around them. If any pop up in his yard, I get rid of them with the pooper scooper! Our wet spring had a lot of different varieties popping up and I have no idea what's what.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. I know R loves running like the wind through the meadows of wild flowers with you, and so I just know the mizzle is a great trade off! And your so careful with keeping him safe!

  10. A muzzle, but being free to run! That's fair.

  11. I hope he stays away from mushrooms. That is scary.

  12. All those beautiful wild flowers are worth a little rain.

  13. OH, how beautiful is that photo of R in the field of flowers!!!

  14. I remember your boy eating the mushroom - We are all grateful and thankful for the expertise of the vets and that this care and his recovery allow him to continue to enjoy the wonderful life he has!!

  15. I thinks that is a totally fair trade off! Ma says I should be muzzled all the times! Okays, not really, butts I bet she thinks it! BOL!!! Anyhu, R, do some zoomies for me, k?
    Ruby ♥

  16. We are so glad that R survived his mushroom scare. After losing Greta to one, Mom keeps us away from any mushrooms
    Mabel & Hilda

  17. Your mountain meadow is so beautiful. Feel free to send the monsoons down the hill to the city. ;)


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