Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi had a relaxed week. Every day, one of his favorite events is his evening romp with Shyla. We usually hike at sunset when the air is cooling and the sunlight is more muted. Hachi and Shyla chase each other at top speed.

Whatever makes Hachi aggressive toward R does not seem to happen with Shyla. They play rough, wrestling in the meadow when one catches up to the other, but Hachi is always happy and relaxed. We humans love seeing it.

In our training with Hachi prior to this week, we had been testing the limits a bit, trying to figure out if the muzzle would be a solution to a number of scenarios where we'd like to have the three dogs together while indoors. Based on our tests, we learned that the answer was a resounding "no" because, while wearing a muzzle, Hachi behaved aggressively when too close to R. Although Hachi can't hurt R if he's muzzled, we don't want him to practice aggression so we are continuing to keep the dogs separated.

In the past week, we returned to keeping dogs at a distance from each other when playing the behavior modification games designed to change Hachi's feelings toward R. To be honest, I'm pessimistic that Hachi's feelings will ever change - but that attitude could be more about my stress level than reality. Also, I know that this type of behavior modification can take a very long time so we'll keep at it. Moreover, Hachi's meds were increased just a couple of weeks ago so we are waiting hopefully to see how that may affect his state of mind.
Some weeks, the best that we can hope for is a boring report. That's what we have this week. Nothing bad happened. And, we didn't try to test the limits of Hachi's relaxed attitude so we don't know if anything changed.

Hachi turned nine months old recently. He's almost a grown up, although the behavioral vet keeps emphasizing that his adolescence will last until he's 3 years old. Really?!? I guess that the good news is that means that he'll keep on changing emotionally for quite a while.


  1. Hari OM
    Yes, three years at least for 'growing up'. I have a question - is Hachi "dressed" (as they used to say in polite circles)? Having had Bertie Boffin to stay a few times now I observe that he is not particularly friendly towards other males, but is fine with females. He is "intact". Can't help to wonder whether - unless you have breeding plans - if this has not already been attended to, whether it might help. I am aware that there is a school of thought that this 'old farmers tales' ... however old farmers are rather wise folk in my experience! (Just thinking out loud - ignore my by all means!!! &*>) YAM xx

    1. Oh yes, Hachi was neutered fairly young. We already realized that he had "issues", and we didn't want to add testosterone to the mix! Thanks for bringing this up!

  2. Love your zooming pictures, Hachi! Could Hachi be jealous of the love that Shyla and R have for each other and he want's to be Shyla's bestie?

  3. I am glad the week was boring. Hope this week is as boring.

  4. yay for boring!!! hope that continues. Jake was aggressive only to Cooper, the other male, never to Baby Girl. Hacchi is so beautiful racing in the flowers. hugs to you for the stress this is causing..

  5. At least Hachi can play with Shyla! That's a good thing, and I know you'll figure out the rest eventually.

  6. Here's to many more boring days as Hachi continues to learn and grow.

  7. We're glad to hear you had a boring week. It's good that Hachi and Shyla can spend time playing together. He sure looks happy zooming through the wild flowers.

  8. Boring weeks are good weeks. I'm glad you had a boring week.

    Love all the actions shots.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. Fantastic pictures! The look on his face while running is priceless.

  10. Time and patience is your best friend. The more time without aggression is also a plus. We hope he keeps developing and changing for the better.

  11. Those teenage years, I hope they fly by and Hachi reaches adulthood with less troubles.Love his flying leaps.

  12. Three year adolescent! Hopefully he'll mellow early.

  13. Has any thought been given to Hachi seeing R as weak because of his health issues? Or maybe male/male aggression? We know you are trying so hard to make it work. Hugs to you.

  14. I know how much you love Hachi and I have no right to venture an opinion. That said, it saddens me deeply that R's life has to change so very much just because of Hachi. I speak from ignorance and bias, but I care so deeply for the black dog and all he has been through. On the other hand, I know how determined and knowledgeable you are and I'm sure you are doing the right thing for everyone concerned. And if peace can be achieved, I have no doubt that you will obtain it

    1. While I understand your point of view, it may help if I lay the situation out. For Hachi, it is us or nothing. He almost certainly cannot be rehomed. That means that the alternative is euthanasia. Because we see a lot of goodness in his heart, we will keep on trying to help him for as long as it is reasonable. And, we humans have both added extra special time with R to our days. R is not being excluded from anything (he's on our evening walks but on-leash). R is still loose in the house with his sister, and Hachi is confined to an exercise pen. We are doing the best that we can for all three of them - and trying to be sure that R is not losing anything in the deal. It's really hard.

    2. I do understand. I had no idea Hachi was so bad that no one else might want him. I'm glad to know R does still have free rein inside. I do belief that you are doing the best for all concerned.

  15. Yes, Hachi is still quite young, and I hope that turns out to be a good thing for your work with him. Everything you are doing makes sense, and I sincerely hope it all pays off for the future. Hang in there, and enjoy the more quiet times!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. I had the same thoughts as the OP Pack - Hachi perceives R to be a "weaker" member and wants to ostracize him. I wouldn't think male/male aggression at 9 months since they are both neutered but it could be. So many questions - don't you wish they could talk? :)

  17. We so admire your dedication and desire to keep trying with Hachi. Yay for a boring week
    Mabel & Hilda

  18. You all trying so hard to make this work... And were wishing that too!


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