Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Outside a Coyote Den

As Shyla and I rode through a meadow one morning, she was in the position that I want her in - next to my rear wheel. Suddenly, she yelped. I can't turn my head very far due to my fused neck bones so I had to hop off my bike to see what had happened.

I was shocked to see an adult coyote directly next to her - close enough to touch her. I instinctively yelled at him. He didn't react. So, I yelled, raised my hands over my head, and ran straight at him. That got his attention, and he began to run away.

As I watched him cagily trot away, I saw a group of coyotes up the hill in the trees. Due to my worry about Shyla, I didn't notice whether they were adults or pups. Soon, they all disappeared. Meanwhile, Shyla had been standing next to me... just standing there. She didn't defend herself or even think about chasing the coyotes. For once, her fearfulness was a big asset because chasing a lone coyote into a group is very dangerous for a dog.

After the coyotes disappeared, I checked her over very carefully. No wounds or injuries. Either the coyote nipped her lightly or he startled her, causing her to yelp.

When I talked with neighbors, I learned that one had spotted coyote pups earlier that morning near where Shyla and I had encountered them. I suspect that the pack had moved their den overnight.

Some of you probably have already guessed what I did next. Yes, a trail cam... This was the first sighting of pups by the cam.

Based on video captured by the trail cam, I know that there are at least five pups.

I compiled the clips into a video for you. Be sure to watch to the end. In the one night clip near the end, it's fun to watch the interactions between the adult and the pups. The behavior really reminds me of dogs.

This is a new situation for me - my first coyote den!


  1. The pups are just adorable! I understand your fear, Shyla. Mom and I have had a dog rush us when we are walking and I"m on a leash. I freeze in fear and of course, mom screams her head off for the whole town to hear.

  2. It's interesting to see the coyote family but we hope you all don't run into any trouble from them when you are out on the trails.

  3. Hari om
    The risks and rewards of living so close to nature! YAM xx

  4. Oh my, that is pretty scary to have real dogs close to those critters. I'm so glad Shyla wasn't hurt.

  5. they look cute and they touch my heart...but better from a distance a meet&greet wouldn't end well

  6. Amazing that the video gives you such a different feeling towards the coyotes than when they are threatening your dog. So cute and playful you really do think of them as much like dogs when they are in their natural habitat and away from humans.

  7. I'm glad Shyla wasn't injured or frightened into running by the coyote. They are cute as pups but a real nuisance at times.

  8. It's wonderful to be watching these adorable creatures from the comfort of my couch. I can't imagine running into one with my little bits while on a hike.

  9. Love seeing the pups! Things are sure green up your way.

  10. A busy time for the Mum to train, advise and watch over the pups. One was wagging its tail, just as a dog would when playing. And green grass in the background, beautiful area for them all to live and play.

  11. We hate that people have encroached on their territory around here, as they now feel free to nosh on our pets.

  12. Good for Shyla. It could have been dangerous. But it is fun to be able to watch the growing family.

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  15. I am so glad there was no further contact between Shyla and any of the coyotes!
    (Apologies for the deleted comments, KB.)

  16. We are so happy that Shyla was not harmed. And the video was so interesting. The pups all look healthy and active. This summer we have had quite a few coyotes in the general area.

  17. We have coyotes running down our streets now and again! One of our neighbors even got a video of one just trotting down the sidewalk like it was nothing! Problem with them in an urban area is that they kill kittehs and small dogs for food. Mostly peeps keep their kittehs inside now, butts there are those poor souls that get caught. :( I am so glads you weren't hurt Shyla! Good job callin' out to your Moms so she could fend off that rude coyote! Keep safe!
    The video is adorable though!
    Ruby ♥

  18. I loved the video and so glad Shyla is OK. Last year, eight pups were here, disobeying their parents, because they just had to check out the dogs. This resulted in dogs fighting each other and all eight puppies fighting each other too. When the adults showed up at the bottom of my road, the puppies lined up in a perfect line and trotted off. Not sure if they got punished or not.

  19. That I counter was too close for comfort but also sort of amazing!

  20. They are so cute, and what fun to watch - from the safety of a camera! I would have been so freaked out by that encounter, and I can't even imagine what Luke would have done.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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