Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 8, 2019

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi had a fun week, playing in the yellow flowers with me or with his siblings.

When I play with him, he melts my heart by showering me with kisses at the end of every recall. He makes me laugh and laugh.

Prior to this week, he seemed a bit subdued or worried when I took him out into the meadow without his siblings. This week, he seemed much happier. He was truly a goofy puppy as he ran through the flowers.

In terms of training, we worked on three things this week, all designed to help him with his "issues". First, we are working on helping Hachi be comfortable wearing a muzzle. Wearing a muzzle will be the first step in having Hachi be loose in the house with the Duo. At this point, he can wear it for a couple of minutes without pawing at it. He can respond to verbal cues while wearing it and walk on a leash for about 30' while wearing it. The second thing is teaching him that R getting a treat always means that he will get a small jackpot of treats - to condition him not to resource guard. And the third is something called "engage/disengage", which involves him learning to first look at and then look away from things that scare him. That helps him not to get obsessed with scary things.

And, of course, we "worked" on him playing with his siblings outdoors. That is simply wonderful.
It was a good week with solid progress forward and lots of fun!


  1. oh we hopt that you can share efurry week such good news!

  2. Your ears appear to be waving to us as you sprint through the wildflowers, Hachi, and we just love that last photo!

  3. Those ears and that tongue...what a precious goofball-no wonder you love him so. Keep up the great work!

  4. We're so glad to hear you had a good week of training! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  5. Thanks for sharing the behavioral training you're working on. It's helpful for many of us to understand what's behind his progress (in addition to hours and hours and hours of work). He's coming along well. :-)

    Loving the flower chases! Hoping you're co-existing more easily with coyotes-on-the-path now that you know they're there.

    Chris from Boise

  6. Good work! He's just a nice looking dog.

  7. Wooo Hoo! We're cheering for a week of positive progress for Hachi. Congrats to you and to him for doing such a great job.

  8. It will be a long road that is not easy, but you will get him going in the right direction.

  9. Amen to progress!!! You are such a devoted and dedicated and determined trainer. We just know that Hachi will be as successful as can be under your guidance.

  10. You are so good at explaining how training is broken down into parts that people - or at least I - would not always think of. Glad Hachi is making good progress :)

  11. Your encouragement for difficult events is so heartening, your inner strength amazes me. Hachi is the luckiest pup ever, to know you will continue to teach and help him with these fears and traits. Let the good days continue in abundance.

  12. Hari OM
    Love (and determination) at work! YAM xx

  13. Solid and stead progress...that's the best outcome.

  14. Progress is a good thing. You're doing your part. There are so many that do nothing at all. Then they wonder why their dog has issues. A huge Awww.

    Have a woof woof day and week. My best to your mom. ♥

  15. So happy for you and Hachi...and forward progress!

  16. Yay! I'm so glad you've had a good week!

  17. How wonderful and we love seeing that happy face!

  18. thanks for sharing what steps you are taking to help Hachi and good to see him happy!
    Mabel & Hilda

  19. Great progress news and fabulous photos. Hachi was sure enjoying himself. Hugs and nose kisses

  20. That sounds like good progress! I knows slow and steady might seem like furevers, butts in your hands, it'll work ~ I just knows it! Keepin' my paws crossed for your progress and happiness Hachi!
    Hey Shyla! what up gurl? You look like you are havin' tons of funs with your brudder! I bets you always win too! BOL
    Ruby ♥


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