Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 26, 2019

Playful Coyote Pups

The coyote pups played happily outside the den over the past week. They played tug of war with a big branch on the ground. One pup pulled off a piece to tease his littermates.

One pup found a "toy" and brought it back to play with his siblings.

He even carried his toy as he climbed up on the branch. Another pup grabbed his hind leg and hauled him down to the ground.

I thought that it was super fun watching the puppy play, and even to watch the parents keep the pups in line (see video cover below). I compiled some of the best parts into a video.


  1. that's so super cute... and I forgot for a second that they are no pets ,O)

  2. Hari OM
    How kind of the pups to stay within the camera's frame!!! Loved the magpie keeping an eye on things too. YAM xx

  3. they are playing just like Baby and Cooper and Jake used to do, they all three loved branches and sticks just like these guys do. absolutely adorable pups

  4. Those pups were sure having a good time for themselves and that birdie wasn't too happy about something!

  5. How cute to see them play together, especially loved the one that jumped almost straight up and on his sibling :)

  6. Magpie: "You kids get off my lawn!"

  7. What a fun video. We especially liked that pounce move and also were interested in watching the magpie that was hopping around the pups.

  8. Quadruplets...I bet Mama Coyote was glad to get them out of the den so she could tidy up.
    Was the squawking in the video the Magpie? We don't have magpies here
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Yes, that was the Magpie. They are related to crows and jays. They tend to announce to the world that a predator is around by squawking up a storm!

  9. How fun to see the pups playing with the downed tree!

  10. Love how the mom stepped in to 'discipline' an offender when the magpies calls were ignored.

  11. My mom loves coyotes, but now they are in the neighborhoods around here creating problems. They sure are cute out in the wild, though.

  12. That bird was annoying - he seemed to be bossing the pups around. Love seeing them play.

  13. Sometimes when we're on the boat we listen to them sing. Beautiful.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  14. How wonderful to see them enjoying themselves!

  15. Wow, I just loved that and your country side is so incredibly beautiful. what a way to grow up

  16. Love watching the coyotes...looks like weekend mornings at the river when there are a number of dogs playing. Love watching the pouncing.

  17. They are so cute! I think because we don't see it much, we often don't think about wildlife playing in the same way our pets do. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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