Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thankful Thursday - Reuniting Lost Dogs with their Humans

Last weekend, Shyla and I headed out for a mountain bike ride together. We started with some photos in the meadow by our house... just because I cannot pry myself away from the brilliant wildflower colors that I know won't last forever. It's been such a hard summer, coping with my father's illness, that I find huge solace in nature's beautiful colors. This was one of the photos that I took that morning.
Then, Shyla and I headed up a big hill toward more meadows. As I pedaled along, I heard a dog barking from nearby. When Shyla is with me, I try very hard to avoid unknown dogs. They scare her badly. So, I pedaled away from the barking as fast as I could with Shyla in tow.

We played in another wildflower oasis, and then we turned around, heading back toward home.

As we headed toward home, I started to think that we'd somehow totally avoided the dogs... but I was wrong. As we passed exactly the same spot as where I'd heard the barking earlier, I heard woofing coming from the forest. That struck me as really odd - why hadn't the barking dog moved? If he was hiking with humans, they certainly would have moved by then.

So, I got off my bike to look around while Shyla hid in the woods away from the barking. I peered through aspen trees and underbrush, and I eventually spotted the source of the barking. There were two big white fluffy dogs, one of whom was barking. The other was trying to hide from me. There were no humans in sight.
I started photographing with the hope that someone would recognize the dogs in my photos.

The non-barking dog disappeared almost immediately. However, the barking one looked at me with bright eyes.

I started to traipse through the thick vegetation toward the dog. He didn't run so I got pretty close.
However, I saw three things all at once as I got close. No collar. Fear of me. And a little bit of aggression. I decided to leave them alone and try to find their humans - I'd only make the situation worse if I scared them into fleeing. I pedaled home, keeping Shyla extra close.

When I arrived home, I started perusing our neighborhood email group and local social media sources. Reports of a pair of lost Great Pyrenees leaped off the pages at me. I called the owners' phone number, and the ball was rolling toward reuniting the dogs with their humans.

The problem was that the humans didn't know our forest or trails at all, and I couldn't visualize how they would find the spot where I'd seen the dogs. So, I rode back to the spot with the plan of meeting the owners near there. One dog was still apparent in exactly the same spot but I couldn't see the second one.
I rode onward to find their humans who had hiked toward the spot from another direction. Soon, I'd found them and led them back to the dogs. To make a long story short, the owners went into the brush to get the visible dog, and both dogs were there! The second one was hunkered down on the forest floor. It was very hot, and they were probably sticking to a cool spot.

It felt so wonderful to see these dogs back with their humans. And, that is what I am thankful for. It felt so good to be able to actually make a difference in the lives of dogs and their humans.

Thanks to Brian for hosting the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


  1. I am so very happy that this story had a happy ending and glad that you stopped and looked and did what you did to find their family.

  2. Hari OM
    Phew - I was a bit 'edge of seat' reading this! So glad there was reunification. YAM xx

  3. Oh my goodness, what a stroke of luck! So odd, but lucky, that the dogs weren't moving. A friend of mine just found a dog who had pulled a stake and chain out of the ground, run away into the woods, and gotten tangled in brush. He would surely have died if no one had heard his barking in the woods and responded. Thank you for being persistent!

  4. Thank doG you discovered the dogs and they are now safely at home. Bless you, KB!

  5. That is definitely something to be thankful for. As soon as I saw the face of the one dog I thought it was a giant Pyrenees. Years ago I had one of that breed, and he was just an awesome dog. Loved to come upstairs in the morning when my alarm went off and leap onto the bed for a cuddle. :)

  6. We love a story with a happy ending. It's a good thing you realized that those dogs were alone and needed help. Their owners are no doubt thankful for you.

  7. What a beautiful story! Thankfully you were there at the right time.

  8. Bless you for reuniting that pair of pups. Makes you wonder though why someone wouldn't have a collar or ID on their pet. Even in the woods.

  9. How wonderful to reunite these pups with their humans!

    I really like the motion in the first picture of Shyla!!

  10. OH KB can you hear me clapping. Bless your heart for TAKING the TIME. This reunion was all because of you!
    I agree with the Gang at LLB I love the sunburst of wildflowers around Shyla!!
    Sending extra hugs for Dad of KB

  11. Oh hooray! I can only imagine how happy those humans were to get your call. Thanks for helping them and thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. Good for you, KB! What a relief for both the dogs and owners. (And for you and Shyla to not have to worry about running into them again).

    Continuing to keep your dad and your whole family in my thoughts.

    Chris from Boise

  13. That is awesome. We've found some dogs who have run away from home a couple times, but no idea where they came from so we had the animal control take them. They never have collars or tags which is sad.

  14. Oh, a happy ending, awesome! I'm so glad you went back so that those sweet pyrenees were reunited, what a wonderful thing to do!

  15. Good for you for following through. And there was a happy ending. I'd be worried with all the bears and lions around. Well done.

  16. I am thankful you were able to help reunite the dogs. Glad the story has a happy ending.

  17. What a wonderful story for Thankful Thursday. You are the best. Reuniting the dogs with their family again. Thanks for sharing the pawsome story. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  18. Part of what helped create the happy ending was you being able to read the dog and knowing what to do. A lot of folks would have tried to catch them. Good job at helping create the right conditions for a happy ending.

  19. Your photo of Shyla is so nice - love the bursting effect of the flowers. And you were so good to do so much to reunite those dogs with their owner. We subscribe to the NextDoor app here and are always amazed at all the help people give to try to find lost dogs or reunite ones that have been found.

  20. I'm so happy you could help them.

  21. That's a wonderful happy ending, and what a great feeling! Well done, KB and well done Shyla for waiting quietly. I hope those doggos have a nice home and don't feel the need to go a-wandering again :)
    KB, just want to say that I've been keeping your father in my thoughts.

  22. BRAVO!!!!! Oh, that is such a happy ending! If it weren't for you gurls, they might not have had such a good outcome. ♥
    Ruby ♥

  23. How wonderful that you helped these dogs find there way home
    Mabel & Hilda

  24. Wow! Great Post! Thanks for sharing. A true Hero Story with a Happy Ending. So glad you and Shyla were able to save those lost dogs. I'm sure the owners were very grateful. Great job. (From: Dachshund Station)

  25. This is such a wonderful story! Thank you KB,, for caring!
    Its a beautiful story!

  26. What a wonderful thing you did!! I'm so glad this story had such a happy ending. ♥♥♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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