Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

It is the summer of endless wildflowers. It's been so special to be able to go rejoice in the summer beauty with our Black Dog.

R loves going to the meadow so much that he sings (or hums) as he runs along side my bike. I've even wondered if the sound helps him navigate around obstacles. Perhaps he hears it echoing off of trees and boulders that are alongside the trails, and thus is a little like a bat using sonar to weave his way through the forest. In any case, I love R's joyful soundtrack to life.
Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. I am so happy he can still run with you and navigate with one eye, he is so handsome and sweet

  2. How wonderful that you are so happy that you are singing and humming, R!

  3. Great photographs of the dear Black Dog. Makes my week richer every Sunday.

  4. BLK Dog, Are You Kidding Me?? You Just Get Better Every Damn Day. Singing While Running, Brilliant!! You Are Beyond Handsome With Every Leap And Bound. And That Dog Tag, Lovely. That Little White Chin, Precious. May The Rest Of Your Evenings Be Filled With Colorful Wildflowers.

    P.S. Yo Human, Please Hide A Few Biscuits Around The House From Uncle T. ThanK You

  5. He looks so incredibly happy to be racing along in the meadow with you.

  6. R you gusto for life is contagious...OMDs in the first photo I noticed what I thought was a pink flower that was caught in your collar...it was your tag!!
    I will be smiling for the remainder of the day.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. The thought the same as Cecilia that he was carrying a pink flower. He may well have found a way to use sound to navigate. I've had blind students who've done the same.

  8. OMG. these pictures.
    and 'The Padre" said it all perfectly. ditto to every single word.
    hug that beautiful humming joyous boy for me. XOXO

  9. I have I ever told you R just melts my heart.
    He's such a good boy and so loving.
    Kiss him for me........

  10. R you are an inspiration!!
    Mabel & Hilda

  11. R is such a special dog. ♥♥♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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