Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Shyla Saturday

Shyla is still growing in confidence. Many of you remember how down-trodden she was when I first met her. She was terrified of everything. Now, look at her!

Just the other day, we were out for a bike ride on a weekend day and saw a few strangers. I knew that running into strangers was a possibility on a sunny weekend day but I really wanted to see the wild Columbines.

As we came around one curve in the trail, we saw a family was just ahead of us on the trail coming toward us. Usually, if I see strangers from afar, I discreetly turn around because it can be too hard to coach Shyla through passing a group on a narrow trail.

Turning around wasn't an option without being very rude in this case because the people were so close. So, as Shyla hid in the forest, I stopped and explained that my dog was fearful and might not be able to pass them easily. I was preparing them to watch me encourage and cajole Shyla to get her past them. 

The family was SO nice, offering to disappear off of the side of the trail if Shyla needed them to do that. I guess that Shyla sensed how kind they were because she suddenly emerged from hiding and walked toward me and the family. Then, she truly surprised me when she chose to meet each member of the family one by one. They petted her so gently and sweetly, and Shyla seemed to truly enjoy meeting them.

I smiled for the rest of the ride. I love when Shyla surprises me with her courage!


  1. A most heartwarming testament to your love, patience, and true dedication to your beloved girl!

  2. We just love you to bits, Shyla♥

  3. Hari OM
    I am tingling with pleasure for both of you!!! YAM xx

  4. this made me tear up. so happy she could overcome her fear. they must have been putting out good vibes and she felt their love... I went to visit a friend after she came home from hospital. she said the dogs will take a while to get used to you. a puggle and a german shepherd. she was shocked when they accepted me like a family member. I said they KNOW I am loving them. I know dogs can read people..

  5. Such a wonderful encounter for you and sweet Shyla, that made us all smile big time too!

  6. Outstanding!! Well Done Little Girl. And This Is A True Reflection Of Her Human. Smile On


  7. How nice of that family to be so understanding of Shyla. We're sure she sensed that kindness and knew it was safe to meet them.

  8. Well done Shyla! The family were great with her and as you say, she must have sensed that.

  9. What a pawsome meet-n-greet! Outstanding.

  10. Smiling all over here. Isn't it great to meet folks who are so understanding and kind? Even Shyla recognized a good group. What a difference from the withdrawn puppy you worked with. It all paid off, thanks to your hard work with her.

  11. That was so lovely to read! Three cheers for Shyla and her new-found confidence!

  12. 3/S's Shyla surprise Saturday. Your girl has got some spunk and gumption going on.
    You know I have always said pets can immediately tell who is a good person.
    After college my daughter and her first Cornish Rex Cat Cali had their own place. My daughter said if Cali (who was a K9 in a Feline body) didn't like someone she would trust Cali's opinion. She was right too
    ironically the first time Cali met my future son in law she was all over him. LOL he wasn't per se a cat person at the time but now 4 cats later he is!!
    Hugs Cecilia
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. That shows how much your training and patience is doing some magic, Shyla, you are a diamond, shining with goodness at the right time.

  14. oh such a beautiful sweet girl she is. they ALL are wonderful!
    patience is needed perhaps with baby Hachi but even he makes strides!
    he's trying Mom! your wise and kind heart is in the mix and love will win! xo

  15. Oh what a joyful story! Well done Shyla!

  16. Yeah Shyla!!!
    Good work KB.
    I bet that was a great day in the wild flowers.

    xo Astro and Mitzie

  17. These are the best kinds of surprises! I can't help but smile either, a true moment to celebrate!

  18. How wonderful was that! Good girl Shyla!
    Mabel & Hilda

  19. Your love and patience, along with her courage, have brought Shyla so far. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  20. Shyla, whenever we hear stories about you,,, we smile!


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