Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A very curious mountain lion (7/20/19)

This summer has been so out of kilter that I somehow overlooked footage of a very muscular and beautiful mountain lion who visited the edge of my trail cam territory back in July. I was feeling so tired that I almost didn't even look at the memory card - and you can probably guess what an oddity that would be for me! I'm really glad that I did check out the memory card.

Here he was, checking a scrape left by another lion about two weeks earlier.

It was this lion who had left the scrape that fascinated the night-time visitor so much.

My absolute favorite part of the lion's behavior was when he stretched his neck toward the sky, and he sampled the pheromones in the air.
Isn't he a beautiful? I think so.

Check out the short video if you have time. It's an uncharacteristically leisurely video of the lion.


  1. that was so great to watch this guy... as if I would sit next to him (yes that would be funny I know LOL)

  2. Big boy does this same thing, scenting the air, especially when the wind is blowing in his face. this is amazing footage of this beautiful cat... I love the daytime photo of him...what a magnicent tail he has, he is so beautiful in the sun dapples

  3. What a beautiful looking cat. We're glad you decided to look at that card to find him.

  4. Oh my. So magnificent. Wow. You get to see the coolest things.

    Have a fabulous Tuesday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. Such a handsome cat. His fur looks so soft and thick.

  6. Oh my word...what a gorgeous feline.
    You may or may not know this feline factoid:
    when they sniff something unfamiliar they will raise they heads just like he is doing.
    They something called Jacobson's organ in the roof of their mouth that deciphers scents for them.
    Madi would do this to our shoes every time we returned from a walk
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Do both male and female lions scent mark?

    You now have us looking for both bear trees and lion scrapes on our hikes. Haven't found any yet (which is not to say we haven't walked past any). Lots of bear poop on the trails this month; our neck of the woods has fortunately had a good fruit year so the scats are full of apple skins and plum and chokecherry pits.

    Chris from Boise

  8. That one really is such an amazing kitty!

  9. What amazing muscularity on this cat! What a beautiful creature.


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