Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi has had a boring week, despite some stressors like needing to go to the big city with us to visit my dad. The behavioral vet is guiding us through a change in his meds. We are increasing his Reconcile (doggy prozac) and adding a new short-term anxiety drug. Just for my memory's sake, I will say that he had no growls or snarls all week.

I suspect that his good week has had more to do with finally settling into a home routine again, after travel and a lot of worries for us humans. No doubt, he can read when we are stressed, and it affects him.

We've worked a lot on his recalls this week, mostly as a team calling him back and forth. Sometimes, one of us serves as a distraction as the other calls him. We'd like to make his recalls as strong as they possibly can be.

The photos in this post are from that glorious mountainside of yellow flowers that I've been featuring over the past week. We did recalls in the flowers - but, as soon as Hachi started to run to me, he disappeared below the flowers. All that I could see was the tops of the flowers moving as Hachi plowed toward me. It was hilarious!

When I work with him, I can see the sweetness in his heart radiating through his eyes.

As for "behavior modification", we continue to work on him disengaging from strangers when he spots them in the distance (he gets a treat when he looks away from them). He is great at this game when he's not surprised by strangers but it's very hard for him when they appear suddenly.
We love this little guy, and I'm feeling more hopeful again. It's amazing what a good week can do for my outlook!


  1. the photos brought some tears into our eyes, that is so super sweet to see your little guy ;O)

  2. so happy for Hachi and for you.. great news. those flowers pale beside his handsome face..

  3. Awww, and he's so adorable too. So expressive.

    Have a woof woof day and week, Hachi. My best to your siblings and your mom. ♥

  4. We're so happy to hear Hachi had a good week. He looks so beautiful among those flowers. We would love to see a video of the disappearing dog with the flowers shaking.

    1. Darn - I didn't think to video it! Silly me. Maybe we can visit those flowers again next year, and then I'll video it!

  5. I'm so glad to hear about the Hachi good week, that made us smile too.

  6. What a good read WTG Hachi!!
    That field of yellow flowers is gorgeous and each of your pack enhance it with their presence.
    I hope Dad was doing well
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Hari om
    That first photo is gorgeous! YAM xx

  8. Hachi looks so handsome in the flowers! We are happy to hear you had a good week and are feeling more hopeful. ♥
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Such wonderful news to hear! Your eyes are the same golden color as the beautiful wildflowers, Hachi.

  10. He sure is a handsome dude. Paws crossed that his behavioral changes keep making 'pawsitive' progress. He's totally worth it.

  11. A city trip, that is huge progress, and hoping your Dad is improving every day. Love the thought of a waving band of flowers, then Hachi popping up closer to you.

  12. Hope your 'hopefulness' just keeps going. He is a sweet boy.

  13. We are glad you are making progress, and we do love those eyes of his!

  14. Cheers for a good week!!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  15. I'm so happy to hear that Hachi had a good week. What a sight that much of been with him running through the beautiful pasture. R looks handsome as ever!! I'm sorry about the sight in his remaining eye. And big hugs to the ever beautiful Shyla. We will continue keeping your Dad in our prayers.


  16. It is such a roller coaster, one day you think it will all be fine, the next, the world is in pieces. Keep the positivity and it will all work out. He's so cute.

  17. So many of us pulling for Hachi to have good weeks!!
    Mabel & Hilda

  18. That last photo is fantastic. May everything continue to improve in your life.


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