Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

I love my solo time with our Black Dog. This summer, I've tended to take him to the wildflowers to enjoy the summer glory with him.

Even at his age, he's a quirky high energy dog most of the time. During our time alone quietly in the flowers, something calms in him - his quirky habits stop and he is peaceful. He looks at me with a steadfast gaze, and I smile.
Those are the moments that I live for with each of our dogs - but it was our Black Dog who taught me about the preciousness of time with him alone.

Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. Wonderful moment to share! R looks so content and sweet natured!

  2. Dogs Are Just Such Magical Creatures. I Would Have A Farm Of Dogs If They Would Out Live Horses. And I Know That If BLK Dog Could Type, He Would Write Out Your Exact Words. He Has That Expressive Face Of How He Loves Those Precious Moments In Time With His Favorite Human. YOU Have Done Well Sister. Very Proud Of You He Says.

    P.S. BLK Dog Also Loves His Hidden Treat From Uncle T

  3. We always enjoy seeing the most amazing and handsome R!

  4. there must be something about the flowers and the peace and quiet and being with just you that calms him. so sweet and precious

  5. Hari OM
    the peace comes through the screen... YAM xx

  6. R sure is a special boy. We can see why you enjoy your alone time with him.

  7. We love Black Dog Sunday. You are the most incredible boy, R♥

  8. Lovely. The dear black dog has been my inspiration through some difficult times. He faces adversity and injury full on and still continues his happy life. He is my hero.

  9. One on one time is so important in all of our close relationships.

  10. I can see you up there with R, both lying among the flowers and enjoying the peace and quiet together. He looks so happy, and time together is so good.

  11. It's good the dogs have some alone time with you. I'm afraid, we're usually in a pack.

  12. Those one-on-one moments, truly do make the best of memories, and are another way to cement your bond and strengthen that connection.

  13. He stands out so handsomely in the wildflower meadow.

  14. He looks so handsome and peaceful amongst the flowers! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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