Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Shyla Saturday - She Struts her Talent

Shyla has been my shining beacon this summer. She has come so very far, and it makes me smile to see her be confident. She can make me smile when almost nothing else can.

She is the undisputed pack leader when it comes to all things athletic. She is absolutely crazy about swimming and retrieving from water. She knows that she's the best at it, and she struts her talent.
When I first met her, I could not imagine Shyla ever being confident about anything. That's why it's so gratifying and astonishing to watch her retrieving from water. Her first owner thought that Shyla was "useless" when it came to retrieving, which is part of why Shyla was the forgotten puppy who languished, not even learning to be house trained by the time she was 9 months old.

It's hard to believe that this is the same dog. Just look at her fly through the air with full focus on the ball that she's retrieving.

I love our Shyla more than words can express. Thanks for the smiles when I need them most, Shyla.


  1. AWESOME shot! and even more Awesome Leaping Shyla... she is so beautiful flying through the air

    1. Can you tell that I was standing in the lake? It was yucky standing in the goop at the bottom of the lake but I love the shots that I got by doing it!!!!! Unfortunately, R didn't choose to leap that day :( I will do it more next summer!

  2. Sweet, sweet Shlya is such an amazing girl!

  3. Hari OM
    Shyla the acrobatic artiste! This is balletic in form... and your ability to look back at her progress is surely a provider of hope and solace in the matter of your younger dog. YAM xx

  4. I Didn't Realize You Were Standing In The Lake. That Is Fantastic!! I Am Always Impressed By Your Camera Angles. And Of Course I Love Your Pack. They All Carry Such Different Personalities. Fall Is Just Right Around The Corner And I Am Expecting Some Really Brilliant Shots From Ya Here Soon. Myself, Heading Up To CB For Awhile And I Cant Wait. Beyond Excited!!

    Sending Love Your Way,

    1. CB will be absolutely brilliant!! We want go there but my dad’s condition won’t allow it this year. That’s okay... I belong at home now. Please take photos:)

  5. What a beautiful shot and you are so focused on your ball, Shyla!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wow, this is an exceptionally good image, even by your consistently high standards!
    I'm so glad Shyla found you.

  8. And the credit for this magic turn of events rests squarely with you. I am so in awe of your gentle guidance that has brought this wonderful dog to her potential. And she makes you smile in return. Well worth the effort.

  9. Shyla in my opinion when you got it girlfriend show it off.
    I love you and your gusto for life
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Great photo! Love how focused she is. Cannot believe people just write off a dog.

  11. "She knows that she is the best at it" 'Nuf said.

  12. That girl has so much confidence!!!
    Just looking at her jumping in a lake, who'd of thought
    she would be so athletic.

    xo Astro and Mitzie

  13. What a great shot of Shyla. She almost looks like she is walking on water. I think it's worth it to stand in the muck for such a great shot.

  14. She is truly a canine-sister to you and your boys!

  15. Her form and focus are both perfect!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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