Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 13, 2019

Tiny the Black Bear is Back

You may remember that Tiny the Biggest Black Bear was ailing last spring. He hurt his right hind leg in the summer of 2018, and then he re-injured it soon after coming out of his den in 2019. He quit mating season early and headed someplace else to fatten up. Here was the last sighting of him in early summer.

I get emotionally attached to animals like him who I've followed for so many years. I didn't say it here but I feared that we'd never see him again. I was wrong. He showed up back in his stomping grounds about a month ago.

He marked a tree while sitting down, just like he was doing back in the spring. He's as tall as "normal" bears even when sitting on his rump. By sitting, he doesn't have to weight his bad limb as he marks a tree. I love his tree-marking dance moves, even when he's sitting.
Back in June I felt that he'd have a decent chance of recovering over this coming winter if he survived the summer and fall. The greatest danger to him now is going close to human houses to get "easy" food since he probably doesn't want to walk too far.

Let's all hope that he makes it into a den safely. Then, we may see a healed Tiny next spring. I will be thinking of him... and hoping that maybe we'll see him once more before he goes into a den. However, over the years, he's tended to disappear for the winter in August so we may not see him again this year.

Check out the short video of him.


  1. Hari Om

  2. we hope Tiny finds a super hibernation place and we can welcome a happy bear next spring

  3. We are so happy to see you, Tiny! Stay safe!

  4. Tiny we are all pulling for you and sending bear hugs that you find a perfect den to aid in your healing
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. It's so good to see that Tiny is still around. We are crossing our paws that he will feel better after his long winter nap.

  6. Oh yay, we're so glad to see Tiny is still around!

  7. so happy to see this big beautiful black bear. prayers for Tiny to heal and make it through the winter and that he stays away from human habitats.

  8. We are hoping that Tiny will feel better and avoid any encounters with the evil humans who would hurt him.

  9. I hope he makes it through the winter and heals properly. He's a handsome one.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  10. Good luck to Tiny - hope he survives the winter.

  11. Tiny is such a beautiful bear! I hope he has a good winter's nap and comes back all healthy and raring to go in the spring!

  12. I am so happy to see Tiny!!! Stay well big guy...and away from silly humans!

  13. So exciting to catch up with an old friend and see he's still around. Hope his long winter rest helps heal his leg.

  14. We are so happy to see Tiny. When he walks, he looks a lot like Lightning. His injury must be pretty severe for him to still be struggling. Poor guy.

    1. That suggests that his knee is what hurts, just like Lightning. I hope that both of them are walking better soon. I think of you often.

  15. So glad to see he's still around. His coat is beautifully shiny. Paws crossed he fully recovers from his injury.

  16. Good to see the big fellow again! I hope he's tucked in early for a long restorative rest.

  17. Good to see Tiny looking fat and healthy despite his bad leg. Hope he heals more over the winter
    Mabel & Hilda

  18. Good news about Tiny! I too appreciate the update.

  19. We're so glad Tiny is hanging in there!


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