Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

When we were at my favorite campsite high in the Colorado mountains, our Black Dog and I played games together. This "youngster" kept leaping right out of my camera frame because he was so pumped to play!
After 12 years of playing these games with me, he still shakes with excitement when I invite him to play!

In his intense enthusiasm, he also knocked me over a couple of times, not slowing down as he got close to me and my camera. In his defense, I don't think that he saw me due to his near-blindness. He also broke into song a few times.

His joy is contagious. Playing with him is so uplifting.
Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. I have a huge smile splitting my face.. and I did laugh out loud at the middle photo.. howl on sweet R

  2. How we love you, R! Have a wonderful Sunday!

  3. Hari OM
    Handsom R... run boy run!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx


  5. R makes people all over the world smile. THanks for sharing him.

  6. Oh R you are for sure on a Rocky Mountain High. I love love love these photos
    Hugs cecilia

  7. You are my happy crazy photo graphical friend.
    We smile each time we see you!
    Rocky Mountain High in Colorado.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  8. It's always a treat to see this wonderful dog.

  9. Having just returned from a trip to the high country, I can better comprehend that mountain enthusiasm by both of you.

  10. How wonderful to see such joy and enthusiasm in a senior dog!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. Oh BLK Dog,

    You Posing & Singing Brought Tears To My Eyes. In A Good Way But Just The Same. Your Spirit Is Absolutely Infectious. The Way Your Ears Hop As You Run, I Love It!! I Wish I Could Snuggle With You All Night. But We Can't. So As A Cancelation Prize, Your Humans Have Hidden Treats All Around The House. Now Get That Nose Wet, Search With Joy, And Seek The Best Possible Outcome.

    P.S. Feel Free To Howl With Each New Treat Discovery


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