Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sweet Shyla Saturday

This girl - thank goodness for her.

She has a heart of gold and a spirit that cannot be squelched.

She can sense just what her humans are feeling. Her sensitivity is what makes her fearful but it's also what makes her such a loving dog.
On the evening when I took these photos, I was so happy to be in the high mountains, sleeping at 11,500' in the thin air. Shyla sensed my ebullient mood, and she was leaping with joy. You can see in that previous image that she was launching into a leap even though there was nothing to jump over!

She can sense other moods too - sad or unhappy ones - and she responds with a soft and sweet approach. I needed her in that mode this evening, and she was there for me.
When I first met Shyla, I had no idea how deep our bond would become. I'm so fortunate to have her in my life.


  1. How we adore you, Shyla♥ Have a wonderful Saturday!

  2. She really is a special soul. I'm glad you found each other.

  3. Shyla you beautiful from the outside to way deeeeep down on the inside.
    I love your gusto
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. How wonderful to have such communion with a dog. Ellie had that same wonderful understanding and I'm so glad you have Shyla.

  5. Love these shots where she's jumping through the meadow. Such a sweet girl.

  6. Shyla sure is a special girl and it shows in your pictures.

  7. She is such a wonderfully sensitive dog, and your bond is amazing. Love it!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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