Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 27, 2019

Our bear family travels and plays

As the bear family walks through their territory, mom works to find food and the cubs play. Playing is how the cubs learn and get stronger. One favorite form of play is climbing trees. Brownie is in  bear marking tree, spreading her scent all over it.

The cubs are instinctively attracted to the trees that have been marked over many years by myriad bears. They do tree-marking dances when they don't climb the trees.

Sometimes, they just dance around the base while balancing on two legs.
This footage was from before the bears departed to find more to eat than was available here. I haven't seen any sign that they've returned yet.

Please check out the short video if you have time.


  1. love them... and I'm glad to see them via your blog... uncut and unplugged ;O)

  2. they look so SWEET rubbing in those beautiful trees. i know what they are doing, but it looks like they are playing and enjoying themselves, like toddlers do.... i see Montana is expecting snow and am wondering if you will get any of this early snow.

  3. Wow...just wow! Thanks for showing what we would otherwise never witness!!!
    Box Canyon

  4. They are so much fun to watch and they are certainly thorough with marking the tree branches!

  5. They are so cute! I wonder how long they stay with their mother before they head out on their own? They seem awful small to do anything like that yet.

  6. Hari OM
    I always sit back smiling after seeing these! YAM xx

  7. Aw, so precious. I so enjoy your wildlife shots and videos. Thank you.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. Those cubs are so cute. Blackie looked like a Labrador retriever the way he was carrying that stick with him.

  9. So cute to see the cubs practising skills they'll need as adults.

  10. Mom still needs a little padding, I would happily give her some of mine.......It is amazing to me how quickly they grow and how much they learn thru one summer. I hear we are supposed to have a polar winter I hope they find much much food before it sets in. thanks KB. I just love your blog

  11. We just love seeing these beautiful photos. The video is just so wonderful to watch them. The cubs are so cute. Thanks for the awesome post that you share. Have a fantastic upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals

  12. Seeing them like that really is quite magical!

  13. I always enjoy watching the various bears and their different "tree dances" :-)

  14. KB, excuse me mentioning this if you've already seen it, but I know you've been having a very intense summer. Back on Aug 30th I posted a watercolor sketch of Brownie based on one of your videos.

  15. What a treat to see! Thanks for sharing!


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