Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Black Dog Sunday - Birthday Edition

Our Black Dog is about to turn twelve but he still looks so much like a puppy to me. I remember the day that he arrived in a crate after a long trip. He was covered in poop - because he couldn't hold it in the crate. It was December, and he was wet and freezing. The Runner was driving so I took our puppy and put him inside my winter jacket, keeping him warm.
One day of poop being inside my jacket (plus an incredibly cute puppy) was well worth all these years of love.

Happy Birthday to our wonderful, lovable, zany, and loyal Black Dog!


  1. you forgot to add BEAUTIFUL to wonderful, lovable, zany and loyal... Happy Birthday Beautiful Boy!!!

  2. Happy Birthday R.

    ♥ Astro & Mitzie

  3. Oh the things love will make you do! Enjoy your blog very much.
    Happy birthday R!

  4. Happy Birthday, R! You are definitely young at heart! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  5. Happy Birthday R. We hope you get lots of treats to celebrate.

  6. Hari OM
    HAPPY BARKDAY, R!!! What a wonderfurs furever home you got!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Happy birthday R. You must have felt the love from the moment your new Mom put your poopy self inside her warm winter jacket.

  8. Happy Birthday R! You definitely have one of the very best moms.

  9. He's been through a lot and still 'puppy-ish'. What's a little poop, in exchange for 12 years of love and fun.

  10. 12 years full of love, fun, outings, trips, and new additions to the family, he is the essential Black Dog of all times. XXX for an early birthday, R.

  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY lovely black dog. May you continue to give us years of joy.

  12. Aw, Happy Birthday, big black doggeroo! :)

  13. Happy Birthday most handsome R, you're super special and your fan club loves you!

  14. Wells, you aren't truly a dog owner, until you are covered in poop at least once.....or three times....
    HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BURTHDAY R!!!!!! You are one handsome, joyful, sweet ManDog!
    Ruby ♥

  15. Happy barkday, R! You were worth a little poop.


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