Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi certainly is capable of looking dubious. His side-eye is wicked.
I loved the time that I had with him out in the golden aspens. We've worked very hard at his training for stays and recalls, and it showed! He's a smart and obedient dog. His issues all revolve around fear.

His ability to recover from being worried continues to grow - this one was from just after the "side-eye" worried one. Thanks to those of you who pointed out that recovery ability is a sign that things are going in the right direction!
Hachi will be turning one year old this week. Happy Birthday, little guy!


  1. omg omg your furst birthday!!!! how great is that!!! celebrate like a pro with lots of love and kisses!

  2. Happy 1st Birthday Hachi.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  3. Happy 1st Birthday, Hachi.. glad he is getting better and better..

  4. We're glad to hear Hachi's training continues to head in the right direction. Happy Birthday Hachi.

  5. Hari OM
    Say what - a year already? (I know he hasn't been with you that long... but close!) golly gosh... YAM xx

  6. Happy Birthday Hachi! What an awesome pup!

  7. Awww, what a good looking pup you are, Hachi.

    Have a woof woof day and week. My best to your mom. ♥

  8. he continues to be adorable! as they all are. each one with a special place in your heart and ours.
    I don't comment often but want you to know that you're admired for your stamina and courage and sheer faith.
    sending you heartfelt wishes and a huge thank you for your outstanding photography skills. bless you!

  9. So glad to hear that's a sign things are going in the right direction! Luke's birthday is this week too, but for him 1 seems like such a long time ago (he'll be 6). Happy Birthday to our boys! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. Happy Happy belated barkday to your man in Black R.
    Hachi that first photo looks as if you are thinking...'wonder when she'll toss the treats and which way"
    Hugs C ecilia

  11. Wow, already almost a year old! He is such a nice boy and so happy in your photos.

  12. One year, it seems he has been with you so much longer. This milestone, he has come so far and I'm sure the next year will see his fears diminish in huge amounts. Enjoy those autumn leaves and golden colours.

  13. Happy 1st Birthday, Hachi! We bet a year from now, you'll be less fearful.

  14. Happy Birthday, Hachi!!! Keep up the good work.

  15. Can't believe he's one. Happy Birthday! Just keep improving, boy.

  16. Both photos are amazing! Happy Birthday from all of us Hachi!

  17. Happy birthday Hachi!! It has been quite a year, and I hope the next one is full of all the best as he continues to grow and overcome his fears!

  18. Wow, a year old already?! Incredible. I love his super serious look-he is so focused!


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