Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog is into walking and running again. He took it easy for a few days while a med for pain kicked in. Then, he started wanting to run again.

We, and especially the Runner, are so happy about this change.

Our vet has known our goofball Black Dog since he was 8 weeks old. That meant that she could zero in on the aspects of him that seemed to have changed over time. We really believe in the value of having a good long-term vet. Our vet has been through so many ups and downs with us that she feels like a part of the family.
This crazy looking guy just keeps bouncing back, much to our delight.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. R is so beautiful and I am so happy to see him running again... I agree about the long term vet. we are thinking of looking for a new vet. our vet of 30 years retired and sold his practice. we left because we don't like the vet that took over. the one we found is .6 of a mile from our house.. he is a good vet but he doesn't love mixed breeds, we can tell... our old vet loved every dog and cat and ferret and even turtles.

  2. Yay, R! We are so happy to hear this wonderful news and to see you doing what you love to do.

  3. We are thrilled that R is romping ready again, that's wonderful!

  4. We're happy to hear R is feeling much better. He sure look happy.

  5. A great vet is a cherish member of the family. So happy your boy is feeling back to his ole self.

  6. Hari OM
    finding the right medical help in all aspects is like finding gold at the end of a rainbow. Treasure indeed! YAM xx

  7. R you make me smile like a happy pup about to receive a great airborne treat!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. R, you are the winner in every match of your life. Love the exuberance in your photos, and a long term vet is like gold. My favourite one retired, but thankfully we have 2 ladies, one at either clinic, who are so caring for our older cats or a stray when it is their last visit. You shine.XXX

  9. So glad to hear the marvelous black dog is feeling better. I know he enjoys running again.

  10. That is awesome. We love to see the black dog running

  11. One of Piper's lifelong vets has retired, but the other has known her since she was a pup - and always greets her with genuine pleasure. I think Piper has made more friends than I have in life :)

  12. Oh, this is FABulous news! I am so happy that sweet R is feelin' betters! He looks like he is havin' the time of his life!!!
    Ruby ♥

  13. We are so happy he is feeling better. Looking good, R!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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