Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Hachi Chronicle

I've been spending some time outdoors alone with Hachi, having realized that he's really nervous when the Duo isn't with him. I did do solo walks with him throughout his puppyhood but it seems that his fear of being the only canine has grown anyway.

On one of these outings, we found where the rising sun hits the drying grass on our land. Hachi is already amazingly well behaved when I want to take photos of him. He understands "stay" really well, and he swivels his head around as things (or smells) catch his attention. This head-swiveling is called "hypervigilance" by his behavioral vet - it's a symptom of his anxiety but it also makes for nice photos.

Then, a smell caught his attention. When we walked away from this spot, I saw 6 deer fleeing just upwind of this spot. Hachi was so good to stay!

This week, the vet increased one of Hachi's short-acting anti-anxiety meds. We humans think that Hachi generally seems calmer. However, I have seen more incidents than usual of Hachi acting aggressive toward R. Increased aggression is a side-effect of this med so we'll have to keep an eye on this tradeoff. It's interesting to realize that aggression is controlled chemically - it makes me less upset with Hachi himself when he's aggressive, and it makes me more hopeful that we can get his chemistry right someday.

I am feeling more patience about this process this week. We have the management side of the equation (i.e., keeping R safe) working well so it's okay if Hachi's behavior backslides a little as we try out new meds.


  1. Hari Om
    So handsome, this boy!!! I (as am sure all your readers) look forward to watching his progress as you pour your love and effort into him. YAM xx

  2. Hachi is absolutely so beautiful and photogentic. I love the nose in the air sniffing the deer. prayers for all of this to work out well for all of you.. Handsome Hachi should be his title

  3. Such beautiful photos of handsome you, Hachi! On our walkies yesterday, five deer crossed the road ahead of us and I started to dance on my hind legs. Had I not been on leash, I would have taken off after them. You are such a good boy!

  4. Those are great pictures of Hachi. We hope you find the right formula to keep him happy.

  5. A juggle to get meds just right, and with people,so often the way as well.He looks happy, and time together is a way to see how he is by himself out there.

  6. He is definitely a great model. Getting the meds in the right combination is not easy.

  7. Hachi say by the phone I bet the Dog Magazines will all be calling to ask you to model.
    Good luck to you, your sibs and Peeps this week as you all continue to work our the Hachi Chronicles
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. There is no way the terriorists here would 'stay' with deer around! Good boy, Hachi!

  9. Such a handsome dude. We're glad some calm and normal is showing.

  10. Hachi has grown so quickly. He looks strong and muscular - a handsome boy!

  11. You have done excellent work with him. We hope the medication keeps working.

  12. He is so handsome! I'm glad you're feeling optimistic about things with him. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. Someone (speaking for their dog) posted a long thread on twitter about triggers and trigger stacking and I found it really interesting and was surprised to learn things I hadn't heard before - one was that it can take 3-5 DAYS for the chemical response (is it adrenaline? sorry, I forget at the moment) to overwhelming stress to return to normal. The writer also used the "spoon" thing, which I'm sure you're familiar with - personally, I find the choice of "spoons" as a metaphor kind of irritating, but people do seem attached to it at this point, so I guess it's worth utilizing since everyone seems to get it. Anyway, I thought of you and Hachi, and all the awareness you have to bring to All The Things...I sure hope it gets easier over time, KB. All FIVE of you deserve it!

  14. I'm hoping you'll get this corrected at some point. You are sure doing everything you can.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  15. He sure is beautifully highlighted in the autumn landscape.

  16. Your boy has grown into a really handsome dog! He truly has found the best family!!


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