Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

Our dogs teach us to treasure each day just with their wide-eyed delight in every little thing.

Each time I find a quiet spot in the forest with R, I feel gratitude for his sweet and happy spirit. In my head, I hear a very faint "tick-tock, tick-tock". I push it away to enjoy this day with our Black Dog.
Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. I know exactly what you mean, KB. I get a lot of practice in not wasting the present moment in anticipation of the future.

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  3. OH My, Dear R you are so beautiful in that first photo...kisses

  4. Hari Om
    Every moment special... YAM xx

  5. You look very content and happy, R.

  6. You are such a sweet and handsome guy R!

  7. He looks so calm and relaxed in the photos. I'm sure resting with R is peaceful.

  8. BLK Dog, You Are So Damn Handsome. Love Those Ears. What An Expressive Face. So Genuine. I Believe Your Human Just Snuck A Biscuit Under Your Favorite Pillow. Enjoy

    Big Hugs

  9. Such a handsomely photogenic boy. Happy Sunday!

  10. We live the moments of his precious life you share with us.

  11. and the resilient and beautiful spirit that is The Black Dog.
    he's just incredible to me. thank you for sharing him! XO

  12. Loving the day. R, you look so contented and hope you, too, enjoy every day, making the most of warmth till the snow arrives.

  13. love Black Dog Sunday and Love R. I love that you enjoy every day with him even though you hear the tic toc Bert and I heard the tic toc but because of that I think we made even more of our final time on this earth together so special. I wish that for you

  14. R is are gorgeous inside as he is out and has a heart as big as your Colorado Hills
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. I have learned so much from wonderful R and his ability to adapt to adversity and love each day as it comes. Thank you for sharing him with us. You have no idea how much he lifts my spirits.

  16. We love your R too.
    He has so much personality in his sweet expressions.
    He always makes us smile, we thank you for each time you
    share with us.
    Happy Crazy Love
    ♥ Astro & Mitzie

  17. I know about that ticking that you hear. It's hard to sometime ignore, it's reality, but remembering to enjoy each day is something I have to remember to do too.

  18. Never listen to the tic toc. It takes away from enjoying the day

  19. Ma says to ignore that sound....that's what she does. I help by acting like a three year old pup. BOL!!!
    Lookin' FABulous as always R!!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  20. R is such a sweet boy. We hope that clock keeps ticking for a very long time.

  21. It's tough not to think of our dogs that way as they grow older; but it does help to remind us to make the most of every single day. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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