Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Hachi Chronicle

As one of our trainers has said, Hachi is a complicated Rubik's cube of issues. For example, he is afraid to go for forest hikes without Shyla or R with him. However, if he gets too stressed, he might turn and snarl at whatever dog is next to him.

Another example - he crazily wants to go mountain biking with me. However, when we get on a trail together, he is afraid to come near the bike.

It's like he knows that there are fun things that he really wants to do - but his fear gets in the way.

He's a mess of contradictions...
... but we will keep trying to figure him out.

He's worth it. He's such a special little guy that he has human friends who come to our house just to see *him*. They'll even go into his ex pen with him to snuggle.
We'll get there, Mr. Hachi.


  1. da nelly is with you Hachi... in stressy situations what are too much for him he turns into a snap turtle... but we work on that topic...

  2. Hari OM
    Oh my - that last shot is a total pawtrait for the wall!!! So handsome... I too am pulling on Team Hachi!!! Come on boy, you can do it!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Hachi is so very handsome and lovable. praying for Hachi…

  4. My Gosh How Grown Up He Is These Days - Very Expressive Eyes

    P.S. Your Other Two Dogs Have Available Landing Spots On Their Nose For A Biscuit Or Two

  5. He's sure a handsome pup. So photogenic. I do hope you can correct the things that need correcting though.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

    1. Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

      Have a fabulous day. ♥

  6. I'm afraid of the wheels on a baby stroller, Hachi, but not on a bicycle. I hope, in time, you won't be afraid either. Good things happen on that trail with your mom!

  7. That last picture...did I ever tell you that when I was doing CFI plots one winter in places where there was lots of moose sign, every time I got to a new plot I would look for a cluster of two or three trees that - if needed - I could hastily get inside or behind so that if a bull charged me his antlers would be stopped by the trunks? I am so glad I never had to test my "system"!

  8. Hachi is a very special boy; and we hope he can learn to work through his fears. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Hachi darlin' you are such a trooper and trying so hard
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Good luck to you with Hachi, you are definitely giving it your best!

  11. That's sweet! Hachi, you are very special.

  12. We know Hachi is so loved and you'll figure it all out with him.

  13. He looks so grown up in these pictures. Where is his puppy going?

  14. Hachi is a special boy with special people in his life.

  15. He is a complicated boy! Complicated, but as you say, worth it.

  16. It is sad what life experiences can do to a young dog, but you will figure it out. If he wants it, that is half the battle. Now he needs to overcome the fear.

  17. Rescue dogs are always a multi-faceted puzzle. Keep helping your boy feel more comfortable.


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