Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog had some painful days in the desert. I guess that the slowing down comes with being twelve years old. Despite knowing that, it still hurts my heart when our Black Dog's usual sparkle is not at full strength.

One thing that brought us joy was to see R's absolute crazy happiness when he played with me and Shyla on Shyla's Mesa. We've played on that flat-topped high point many times over the years. When we first arrived at the nearby campsite, I thought that there was no chance that R would want to participate in play on the mesa. But I was wrong. I let him decide, and his choice was play!

He ran with all his heart as Shyla chased him.

His running was as beautiful as ever. My eyes filled with tears a few times. I love our Black Dog so much. I want him to be able to run forever.

At the end of one play session, I wanted to get a photo of the Duo. They decided to serenade me as I clicked the shutter.
It was a hilarious end to a fun morning on Shyla's Mesa!

Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. You Are A True Inspiration There BLK Dog - Just Cant Get Enough - You Amaze With Every Passing Day - Besides , We Knew How Happy You Were When You Recognized Those Desert Smells - You Knew All Along That You Would Soon Be Roaming Shyla's Mesa - Sleep Well & Eat With Enthusiasm - You So Earned It

    P.S. Well Done Team Human

  2. the second photo of R shows his wolf ancestry and they both remind me of that in the howling pic. I love to see them run, they are both so very beautiful

  3. What a wonderful photo of Shyla chasing R. Love the serenade♥

  4. Such fun photos and a beautiful serenade!

  5. The last photo just makes me smile! They must make beautiful music together. :)

  6. So wonferful to see the mighty black dog running free. I know you cherish these good times.

  7. Really enjoyed the canine concert pose! Adorable.

  8. It is so hard when our dogs slow down. Their lives are so short (at least in my book they are) but they bring us such joy, you just want them to have painless lives. I am so glad I have found so many different products that help pain for the older dogs that I have been able to use even for some pain relief. We had to spay our 4 year old gsd because of behavior issues towards her sister. It has helped tremendously but it has slowed her down at the young age of 4. So now I am working on giving her products that help her so she can enjoy the rest of her fun filled life.

  9. I, too, would have tears. We all want them to be young and healthy forever. Beautiful photos as R shows his inner spirit and total enjoyment with Shyla together.

  10. I love this so much! Seeing R playing is such a joy, and the two of them howling together....I'd love to hear that sometime too. That had to be music to your ears! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. oh lordy. tears and laughter and joy here. xo

  12. I love this!! You make the best of memories with your duo and trio too! And you take the best of photos! R has a special place in my heart and I love his resilience and inner spirit that shows!

  13. Oh your Labraduo bring out the best in each other for sure.
    Love the serenade...just adorable
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. The bottom photo is fantastic. Black Dog still has a lot of good days in him. Long my he run.

  15. It's great to see R and Shyla having so much fun but that last picture is the best.

  16. So happy to hear that R still wants to play. We love the serenade shot.

  17. Go Black Dog R! You are an amazing guy.

    Chris from Boise


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