Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Hachi Chronicle - Very Hopeful

This was Hachi's best week in a very long time. We stopped giving him doggy Prozac (fluoxetine) about 10 days ago. Soon thereafter, we started a low dose of a new med, Paxil. Almost immediately, his aggressive behaviors ceased. I really mean that there have been none in the past 10 days which is jaw-dropping to me.

He's acting very friendly toward Shyla. He has even solicited play with R while out on walks. He's asking to interact with some new people.

It feels as if it's the first real leap forward in a long time.
We are hopeful. We love our "little" guy.


  1. oh that are great news... maybe the sign that all your work pays off now? we hope soooooo much!

  2. this is wonderful and happy news. so glad for all of you, prayers it will continue to work and your life will get back to normal soon.... hugs to all of you

  3. Great news! I absolutely adore that first picture with him peeping over the hill :)

  4. Hari OM
    Well, that is wonderful news to begin the week with - long may it continue!!! YAM xx

  5. We are keeping all our paws crossed for continued progress for Hachi.

  6. Fingers and paws are crossed that the new med is the answer!

  7. What wonderful news. The new meds are doing the trick. I'm doing a happy dance right along with you.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups and an extra treat for Hachi. ♥

  8. This is 'wagnificent' news! Paws crossed the med switch makes your sweet guy more docile.

  9. Wonderful news! I'm hopeful the new meds continue to work.

  10. Wonderful news, may it continue for ever. Love seeing them against that huge rock face.

  11. Oh that would be so wonderful, we've got all paws crossed here!

  12. That is so awesome! I sure hope it continues!

  13. That is excellent news. You did a wonderful job with him. I pray it continues.

  14. Oh my Dogs!! This is such a great bit of news I have been hoping for since day 1!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. ohmygosh! tears fill my eyes! this is wonderful news.
    and his pictures made me laugh! especially the one looking at us straight on!
    bless you and Hachi Puppy! may it continue and only get better! XOXO

  16. Your patience and perseverance are paying off. All in due time:) We are so happy to hear this wonderful report.

  17. Paws crossed that you have found the right forever fix!!

  18. What wonderful news! Here's hoping that this improvement continues, and everyone can relax!

  19. I havnt been online alot lately but I was wondering about this little one and this has been a very hopeful post. So glad to hear this.

  20. What a great week! May this one be as good! (I know you know that there's still liable to be a roller-coaster, but the trend is in the right direction).

    Chris from Boise

  21. Great news! Paws crossed that things continue in the right path for Hachi
    Mabel & Hilda

  22. This is such great news!! ♥♥♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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