Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Mountain Lion Courtship

The mountain lions have been coming through our neck of the woods at a very fast rate. That's not too unusual for this time of year.

What is unusual is recording footage of courtship between two mountain lions. Our biggest Tom Cat was in a usual haunt where he marks his territory. But, he was not alone. A second cat was following him. She was smaller and seemed to pursue him.

She walked low to the ground and rubbed her body against his. He'd walk away, and she'd follow. She made cat snarling noises that I've never heard in our forest before. I believe that this is mountain lion courtship.

At the first site where I have footage of them together, she crawled under him. He almost stumbled as he tried to do his scent marking around her.

As he marked at another site, she laid down next to him.
I have a short video of the two of them. Be sure to have your sound ON. The noises made by them are priceless. This is some of the coolest footage that I've ever recorded.


  1. yes the noises are special... the dogs listened and were interested, but they couldn't find out who makes them LOL

  2. Great footage! The male seems a bit dense.....lol.

  3. Wow - what an amazing video! The mister doesn't seem to be too interested in her.

  4. BOL BOL I agree with Bella,Roxy and Dui....the lady might need to slap him upside the head.

    The sounds were almost like monkey calls you hear in jungle movies. Definitely the call of the wild.

    Did I see a camera light flash on when the male passed by?
    Hugs cecilia

  5. The lady was amazing in her attempts to get some interest from her mate, maybe he was too tired!! Or was all the action out of view maybe. Those calls, what a great capture.

  6. they are amazing and oh so beautiful together. maybe the next time our raccoons are mating and screaming, I will pull up this video on my laptop and take it in the back yard and ramp it up. might do the trick on scaring them away

  7. Incredible footage. She hasn't learned to play hard to get. :)

  8. WOW! What wonderful footage and you are right, the "cat calling" was very cool(it even made the pups raise their heads :-)).
    Thanks so much for sharing@

  9. I can't believe how much smaller the female is compared to the male. They always look so big when they are with their kittens.

    Very interesting footage. Would love to see if this pair progress.

  10. That is very interesting to watch. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Wow, that female sure is chatty! I think she's trying to tell her boyfriend how 'it's done.' LOL Very cool footage!

  12. Fascinating stuff! Watching our birds and their rituals is always interesting.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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