Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 29, 2019

Shyla Saturday - She's a Snow Dog

What a big snow storm we had. It made riding my fat bike on the trails behind our house impossible for now. But Shyla and I have gone snowshoeing every day.

We've had so much fun playing in the snow.

Shyla wildly loves the snow. She doesn't mind going completely under the snow and then popping back up for air.

Galloping through such deep snow looks like exhaustingly hard work. Shyla stops for a breather in the middle of the snow.

She waves goodbye to all of you for this week's Shyla Saturday.
Happy Shyla Saturday!


  1. Those pictures are so cool! I especially like the first one!
    How much snow do you have so far?
    Enjoy your snowy Shyla the weekend!

    1. We had a storm that dropped 32" on us last week. There was already a ground covering of snow due to earlier storms. So, it's lots of snow! Today we have 40-70 mph winds so it's flying around horizontally!

  2. You do have some serious snow to play in, Shyla! I wish I could romp right along beside you!

  3. JOY! is what I feel, that last high five is hilarious... she is truly a snowdog and a beautiful one

  4. Shyla girl, thanks for the great big smiles!

  5. We can tell how much Shyla loves playing in the snow. She is much like Millie in the deep snow.

  6. Hari Om
    And a great big Hi and Five-toes back to you, darling Shyla!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. The enthusiasm of Shyla is captured in these photos. I'm not quite as big a fan of snow. :)

  8. The second photo made me burst out laughing, Shyla's face is so funny. Great photos, as always. Thank you!

  9. She looks like she is having a great time. That sure is a lot of snow. We don't have enough to snowshoe in yet.

  10. Oh, we are green with envy! Those are wonderful photos - especially the first one. What a snow bunny Shyla is!

    Chris from Boise

  11. She certainly enjoys the snow!!! Such cute photos--we have huge smiles.

  12. Shyla...my goodness me you are for sure a Snow Dog. What gorgeous photos your Mom took of you.
    Waving and clapping at you my sweet girl
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. This delighted me so much that I had to carry my laptop into my husband's office to show him.

  14. Incredible images! What a joy to watch her 'dashing through the snow.'

  15. Wow! That is so fun to see!! but we pugs think Shyla is a little nuts BOL!!
    Mabel & Hilda

  16. Excellent snaps, KB! Shyla sure is in her element!


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