Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog has been in some pain recently so we thought that a big snow storm might not be a welcome change for him. We were wrong.

We had a huge dump of snow this week. It snowed and snowed and snowed. In the end, it seems that we were in the bull's eye of the storm and got more snow than most surrounding areas. Our total seemed to be about 32".

This was the view from our bedroom at dawn on the day after the storm.

A couple of days before the storm, our Black Dog had started a new NSAID to help with the pain in his elbow and spine. However, we still thought that he might not want to play in the snow. I tentatively took him outside, planning to let him do what he wanted - which I expected might be standing around for a little while.

I was joyfully wrong! He wanted to run through the almost bottomless snow. I whooped.

When I encouraged him to take it easy, he ran instead. He dove into the snow a couple of times, ending up with snow stuck on his face.

Then, I told him that it was time to go inside. He tried to hide in the snow.
He has felt good all week since starting the new med. It makes us both so happy to see the bounce in his step and the sparkle in his eye.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. Hari OM
    ... you R the best!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. I am so HAPPY I can hardly type, that the meds are working and to see his joy in the snow. I laughed out loud at the last photo... so precious

  3. It's good to hear R was enjoying himself in the snow.

  4. That's wonderful for R! But 32" OMG

  5. Wow - you really got dumped on! Good for you for enjoying every single minute of your beautiful snow, R!

  6. It's so wonderful to see handsome R romping like crazy!

  7. OK, so had to show this one to my husband, too. He once again smiled and laughed. (He had a lab mix.)

  8. Holy cow! I'll stop whining about the foot we got (though it's kept me house-bound and unable to run some much needed errands). That's just nuts! But so incredibly beautiful! Happy your boy enjoyed the snow.

  9. You wont be having coffee out there any time soon. Maybe the cold helps R more than we know , as an ice pack does for us humans. Hiding, what a great guy he is.

  10. R what a delight to see your shiny furs and enthusiasm maybe the cold snow numbs the elbow pain!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Sounds like SNOW is the best medicine....or fountain of youth. R looks very puppy-ish!

  12. I love seeing this! I hope that R continues to have the best fun, in what I think, is the prettiest snow!! The same goes for your birthday girl and Hachi too!

    PS: If you are going to consider "Composure" ask your vet for the Composure PRO - There are three main differences between Composure and Composure Pro. 1) Composure Pro has a higher milligram level of Colostrum Calming Complex, Thiamine and L-Theanine. 2) Composure Pro also includes tryptophan, which helps improve cognition in dogs.

  13. Hooray for better pain control. What a marvelous black dog yoy have there. Still an enthusiastic puppy in spite of all he's been through.

  14. R you sweet crazy guy, you melt my heart.
    The first photo captured his personality!

    xo Linda, Astro and Mitzie

  15. There is nothing like a little snow to put some oomph in a dog.

  16. WOW - that is an incredible amount of snow. YAY for R!!! We hope he has many more romps in the snow.

  17. that is way too much snow. So happy that R is feeling good!
    Mabel & Hilda


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