Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi had never seen so much snow from one storm before this one He wasn't so sure about frolicking in the unpacked snow at first. Look at those wide eyes.

Then, I subjected him to his sister to help him loosen up. She schooled him. She is not meek when playing.

The amazing part (to me) is that Hachi has never gotten upset about her crazy play.

After some chasing and wrestling with Shyla, Hachi started to loosen up and look happier about the snow.

He and Shyla stopped to observe something but I couldn't spot what it was.

Soon I spotted the giant.
That put an end to off-leash play but the pair was smiling with the fun that they'd just had.

Hachi had a really good week until the end of it. He was getting along beautifully with Shyla and never got upset with R. But then, he had a bad 24 hours (just like last week). He had an episode of resource guarding against R during which he launched himself at R during a snowshoe hike. No one was hurt. A couple of stressful things had happened earlier in the day (including 90 mph winds outside and people visiting the house) - and those stressors may have been part of set-up that led to the bad event.

Our counter-conditioning for wearing a coat and for handling his legs is going really well, and I'll share a video of it soon.

Thanks for reading!


  1. wow what a fun... love the sugar coated pups ;O)

  2. Burr 90 mps winds!!!
    That would keep me inside by the fireplace.
    The snow is beautiful, watching the pups having fun
    brings a good laugh.

    xo Astro and Mitzie

  3. Oh to have that much snow to play in - but forget the 90 mph winds. YIKES!

  4. OMW! on the 90 mph winds and all that snow. my favorite photo of today is the two of them on alert. they look so beautiful. sorry H had a setback, prayers he will continue to improve....

  5. We're glad to hear Hachi had a mostly good week. It sure looks like he and Shyla were enjoying their romp in the snow.

  6. Love that Abominable Shyla, especially the first of those two photos. Envious of your snow - but not the wind. Wow. Good boy (mostly), Hachi!

    Chris from Boise

    PS Yesterday's post was great. Go, R!

  7. Hari OM
    This looks so seasonally perfect... YAM xx

  8. A huge giant and a HUGE dollop of snow.So good to see them together, however do you manage even with fat tyres to pedal in that depth.

    1. I haven't tried to pedal through it yet.... soon I will try.

  9. Mom always says, dogs are like people, they don't always like every other dog around. Maybe R did something you don't know about, or reminds him of a dog he had issues with in the past. It is hard to try to keep stress levels down all the time, but as always, patience is the key. At least he and Shyla have a blast.

  10. Whoa, that's a neighbor the pups probably would prefer not to engage. Love that Hachi looks like a 4-pawed snow cat grooming trails. Fly high little man!

  11. What great action shots as always. Your pups are so amazing.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to all the pups. ♥

  12. Those photos of Shyla-the snow monster are priceless!

  13. What a couple of snow dogs Shyla and Hachi are!!

    We are sad to hear about Hachi's bad day...but overall it seems your patience, training and understanding have really helped him a bunch!

  14. I love that 2nd photo. Shyla is saying 'I love snow this much'!!
    I'm sorry R is in Hachi's sights when he is feeling stress. H is lucky R is such a loving and understanding brudder. That is a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooot of snow. Yikes and only Dec. 2.
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. Hachi, we are so happy that Shyla gave you a talk to tell you it's alright to play in the snow. We just love these photos so much. Thanks for the share. Have a fantastic time playing.
    World of Animals

  16. That picture of Shyla rearing up to play with Hachi is wonderful. Big moose!

  17. Great shots! I don't think that is a moose - or it's a really fat one, is it a bull elk?

  18. They sure were having some snow fun, love the photos! Sounds like your making 90% progress with the young handsome dude.

  19. He looks like a creature from Hoth. You are doing great with him.

  20. 90mph winds? Isn't that a Category One hurricane? Yikes!
    The pictures of Shyla playing with Hachi are incredible :)

  21. I love the picture of the pups and the moose. It seems setting events really have an impact on Hachi.

  22. They look so cute iced in snow! We can imagine that the high winds can put Hachi off kilter.
    Mabel & Hilda

  23. Aren't they having fun! I love how Shyla can help Hachi to learn to enjoy new things. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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