Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Shyla Saturday - A Slickrock Edition

Shyla and I have so much fun out on the slickrock. She seems to love running fast on the sandstone, and I love watching her amazing athleticism.

As we wandered the slickrock, we came upon a small boulder, and she seemed convinced that she needed to take a bow on top of it. It was almost sunset, and I loved seeing her shadow behind her.

We both love the quiet time of sunset. The sun falls silently toward the horizon. Just before it disappears, it feels as time stands still. The world glows reddish in the light of the setting sun. Shyla and I sit quietly, and I know how lucky I am to have her as my best friend.
The journey from fearful dog to almost-normal dog was long and difficult but it is one of the most rewarding journeys imaginable. I love this girl.


  1. Hari OM
    Shyla the sylph, a ballerina of balance! gawjuss gal. YAM xx

  2. You are so beautiful, Shyla, and we love you too♥

  3. this pose on the rock is just short of an amazing trick. it looks like she has back feet on it also... a super shot for your memory book

  4. I feel fortunate to have shared sweet Shyla's growth through your blog. Take a big bow for yourself. Shyla is the wonderful dog she has become because of your love, patience and persistance. WAY TO GO!

  5. Pure Joy - What A Special Bond - What A Rewarding Outing - Extra Treats For All

    Big Hugs

  6. "Best friend" What more needs to be said?

  7. Shyla is such a beauty, and she sure knows how to strike a pose! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  8. Perched on the boulder, glad it was not any smaller,and her shadow, Shyla, the perfect model anywhere.

  9. Shyla, we always love stopping by to see the great fun you always are having. The photo of you on the boulder is just perfect. Thanks for sharing the excellent photos. Have a beautiful rest of your weekend.
    World of Animals

  10. Shyla you are for sure in your element out on the slick rock.
    I love love love your bow and I bow back at your great abilities
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Love her bow on the rock!
    Mabel & Hilda


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