Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Black Dog Sunday - R and Me

R wasn't feeling great for part of our time in the desert. He seemed sore and wasn't enthusiastic about walking or running. But, when I spent some solo time with him at dusk, he insisted on doing tricks, like taking a bow.

He looked at me quizzically at times from the perch where multiple generations of our dogs have hung out. I wondered what he was thinking. Was he thinking of his sister K who loved lying there? Or was he wondering how to get the treats out of my pocket? I'm betting on thoughts of treats but R surprises me all the time. He's a sensitive dog.

As the dusk light became soft and reddish, he realized that it was tine for dinner. He looked at me to ask permission to go get his dinner inside the LabMobile.
In case you're concerned, he perked up later in the trip when we started giving him anti-inflammatory meds. We were thrilled to see the spring in his step again!

After he headed into the LabMobile for dinner, K's Rock glowed in the dusk light.
I cannot imagine a more perfect place to spend time with our Black Dog.


  1. that red ridge is stunning. I would love to see it... R looks as sweet as always and I am glad the meds perked him up.... sorry he needed them though

  2. It is such a stunning place. Glad with the meds he felt a little better.

  3. Hari OM
    Oh those aches and throbs, they sure dampen the spirits. So glad a little chem helped out. Handsome boy, R! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. BLK Dog Sunday, Only Gets Better!! Such Expressive Facial Features. And Whats That Nose Smelling?? So Pleased To See The Tribe Made Another Successful Utah Adventure. Well Done Team Human


  5. So glad to hear he perked up! Such a beautiful place.

  6. What a stunning place for R to pose, he must know something we cannot pick up on, and that special place where K once was might hold memories.Hope his pain vanishes.XXX

  7. The red rock photo is a stunner and you are one handsome boy, R! We are happy that the meds helped you out.

  8. He seems like such a happy dog, even when he's not feeling well. I'm so glad to hear he got better after that. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Such a beautiful spot with a beautiful boy.

  10. KB thank you for this most beautiful post and sharing R with us...
    Black Dog is so soulful!!!
    Hugs cecilia

  11. I sure am glad R was feeling normal again, poor sweet guy.

  12. I wonder how many years it takes for a dog not to recognize a scent left long ago.


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