Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Hachi Chronicle

The Hachi journey has had some ups and downs recently. Although many aspects of Hachi's life are positive - like his attitude toward us humans and even strangers - we think that his doggy prozac ("Reconcile" or generically known as "fluoxetine") was making him have more aggressive episodes toward R. It is dumbfounding that Hachi seems to get along with almost everyone pretty well, except for the being who we'd most like him to get along with - R.

So, we have a bump in the road as we take him off of Reconcile and then will start him on a new anti-anxiety med - Paxil. So far, the transition has indeed been difficult as Hachi seems unable to relax during the "wash-out" phase between meds. On the upside, he already seems more peaceful toward R as the old drug leaves his system. As always, it will be a slow transition.

Hachi has learned so many new behaviors with me, many of which make him a great photographic subject. I've taught him the game where he sprints past me so that I can capture his silhouette. (Our dusks and dawns were purplish in Utah!). He is a beautiful runner.

He absolutely adores having my full attention  so he puts every last ounce of energy into each game.

Another very positive thing is Hachi's relationship with Shyla. He loves kissing her.
Despite the drug transition, I am feeling pretty positive about the outlook. Every "failure" (like the Reconcile drug) is perhaps getting us closer to the one that will work. Plus, my love for Hachi grows every day. He's a sweetie.


  1. prayers for the new drug to work... I love the kisses... so sweet..

  2. I just remembered, Jake hated Cooper, like Hachi and R. he loved Baby Girl. maybe it is because R is a male...

    1. I think that you may be right. I wish that we could read their minds!

  3. Such gorgeous shots, KB! We pray the new med works for you, Hachi.

  4. I hope this new drug does the trick. The shots are awesome as always. You really know how to capture actions shots.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. yes.. he is a sweetie ...and your pup... and together you will master all challenges..

  6. Like WoW - His Legs Ae So Long These Days - Pleased That Your Are Pleased

    P.S. I Believe That BLK Dog Was Interested In A VERY Very Small Scoop Of Ice Cream With Dinner Tonight

    1. oops , autocorrect added the extra r - actually, that is a fitting subliminal r

    2. I will pick some ice cream up in town today so that he can have a scoop from you! :)

  7. It's good to hear Hachi is mostly doing better. We hope he and R can one day be friends like he is with Shyla.

  8. Hari Om
    Overall, this is sounding 'pawsitiff', so long may it continue! YAM xx

  9. We hope Hachi will make progress with the new Rx in his interactions with your sweet boy.

  10. We all love that adorable Hachi and we're cheering him on towards further progress!

  11. Hachi darlin' you are missing out on a great big hunk of brotherly love for R...he is so kind and has a huge heart.
    KB is Hachi's attitude an alpha dog thing. So odd not to just love R to bits!!
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Hachi may have "male-male" aggression, which might be classified as a dominance issue - I'm not sure because most of the animal behaviorists don't use dominance theory anymore. We think that his aggression toward R could either be that R is the top male or could be that R is blind so he cannot see the body language communication that is so critical to dogs.

  12. I love the photo of Hachi and Shyla! Hoping that the new meds will work so that he and R can have a great relationship too.

  13. Maybe there was a male dog who was aggressive to him when he was on the street as a wee pup. Hope the change brings better results in time, and change in meds is difficult to manage at first. His big paws, and his eyes, he really is so lovable.

  14. All paws are crossed here that the medication switch takes care of things! We'd love to see more of Hachi with R, as we do with Shyla. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. The meds are tough. We tried some meds with Emma for some issues and it was a disaster. She lost herself completely, and we decided to just live with her as is. Lots of our friends have dogs with issues and they are on meds such as the ones you are talking about and it is really helping but there was a lot of tweaking and changing before they found what really worked. You will get there.

  16. As already said, it is may be because R is Male.

  17. Hoping things smooth out with a change in meds...He and Shyla look adorable together!

  18. We are praying it works out. You are doing a fantastic job with him.

  19. I hope the paxil works better for him!

  20. First, that sky is stunning. Second, fingers crossed you find the right medication. With humans it can take 2 years to find right drugs/doses, so I would assume it can take time with dogs too.

  21. I'm glad you were able to identify the increased aggression as drug-related, and that there is something else to try. I hope the next one helps everyone.
    I don't want to be a long-distance armchair diagnostician, but since it's come up...I suppose I've just assumed that Hachi's different behavior toward Shyla and R was gender- and/or dominance-related. When I remember how kind R was to Hachi, and how R used to let Hachi snuggle up with him even before Shyla started really playing easily with Hachi, it just makes me so sad that they are not still the comfy buddies that R would probably be happy to let Hachi be. I'll continue to keep a good thought, and to admire your patience and all the adjustments you've made in the process of working this out. I hope one day you'll be blogging about how you can hardly remember the tough times before Hachi felt at peace with the world :)

  22. Meds are so tricky. Really appreciate you bringing us along on the journey. Hoping Paxil has all the good effects and fewer of the side effects you suspect with the fluoxetine. Thank goodness for your good mamagement skills as you go through the wash-out and then the adjustment to Paxil.

    It would be lovely, if you ever have a snowbound day, to hear how his reactions to people have changed over the year.

    Just FYI, Rowan is now in a reactive dog class, as she started developing leash reactivity about three months ago (still pretty good off-leash). She's a very minor case compared to Habi and Hachi, and I debated just working her through it, but am glad I signed up with the same trainer that worked with Habi. I think we'll be over the hump pretty quickly. We had class tonight - she came home and immediately conked out. This 'being relaxed around other dogs' is hard work! How I value all the lessons Habi taught me - I think you'll say the same for Hachi someday, as you already do about Shyla's amazing progress. You're doing great. We're cheering you on.

    Chris from Boise


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