Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog is happy these days. Since starting a new anti-inflammatory, he likes to do a short run every morning. Since our storm, he doesn't really like the footing on the trails so the Runner takes him for his morning jaunt on the roads.

In the evenings, we usually all do a short hike together. One day, it was just me and the Duo so I took a few photos of them in the falling snow. The bond between these two never ceases to amaze me. If I ask them both to lie down, they choose to be very close together.

R and I have continued to have a blast with nosework games. Although he learned nosework years ago, I'm slowly taking him through the easy stuff to help him remember the game and to build his confidence.

We've progressed to six containers. One of them contains a few q-tips with birch oil on them. R's job is to find that container. He tells me that he's found it by pressing his nose onto the top of it and holding it there. I say "alert", and then I give him a jackpot of treats delivered one-by-one to the top of the container.

I think that you'll be able to tell how much he loves this game from his happy body language and enthusiasm in the short video.

R's spirit is so upbeat and happy, even in the face of blindness and pain. He seems to forget all else when he has the chance to play a fun game, roll in the snow, or to share some snuggles with his sister or one of us. His spirit inspires me.

Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. the duo pic is priceless and makes my heart feel happy. in the video I think I hear Hachi barking. R is loving the hunt and really good at it.... smart and handsome

  2. Hari OM
    What a delight to see R's delight! YAM xx

  3. We love watching you work, R, and we adore the photo of you and Shyla together in the snow♥

  4. R sure looks like he is having fun re-learning to find those hidden scents. He is so lucky to have you to help him stay sharp as he ages.

  5. What a wonderful game. He's so smart!

  6. Great job R, we could sure tell you are happy and having lots of fun!

  7. R you are one handsome shiny black friend love the LabraDuo portriat. I hear your siblings on the video don't I?
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Love that snowy portrait. Ahhhh, if all of us could enjoy life like the Black Dog!

  9. You sure are good at your nose work, R. You get it right every time. Maybe some day I can do that too! XOX Xena

  10. His wagging tail says it all! R knows how to live life to the fullest in spite of his challenges. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. It warms my heart to see thw marvelous black dog so happy. I wish I had thought to do scent training with our girls. I think they would have enjoyed it.

  12. We just love R and his spirit. What a sweetheart!!!

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  14. OMD, that is FABulous R!!! I can tells you love it cause your tail is goin' like 100 mph!! BOL!
    I wonder if it would work with margaritas inside.....☺
    Ruby ♥

  15. Nose work is great for him! I've seen several blind dogs at trials and they do great. There is a blind Beagle I run into a lot and he is a rock star.

  16. Your Black Dog looks like he's enjoying the game. Well done.

  17. KB, would you mind sharing with me the anti-inflammatory that is helping R? I've recently started Piper on carprofen but honestly can't tell if it's making a difference so it probably isn't, and I don't want to give her something that could have damaging side-effects if there isn't even a benefit. Thanks very much!


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