Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Shyla Saturday

Shyla is my morning snow biking partner. Since that big snowstorm, we've just started being able to bike on the trails again. This morning,. Shyla wanted to shout out her happiness about resuming biking to the whole world. Did you hear her where you are? I had trouble getting her to stop barking and howling this morning because her happiness seemed to overwhelm her.

Part of why we get up so early at this time of year is that I love the early morning light in the winter. It's the only time of year when the sun rises where there isn't a high ridge so we can enjoy its rays just as it rises.

Shyla seems immune to the frigid temperatures early in the morning - and she can even dose off in the snow. This red light was almost exactly at sunrise - it even made the snow glow slightly red.

Shyla makes me so happy - she is, quite simply - my best friend. We are so well matched in most ways - and I love sharing my life, including the early winter mornings, with her. I'm not sure that anyone else would be willing to share the cold mornings with me!
Happy Shyla Saturday.


  1. Brilliantly Beautiful

    P.S. Guess What Tomorrow Is

  2. I echo The Padre comment, brilliantly beautiful. WOW! so beautiful. that sunshine golden red is amazing... I am wondering how cold it is at sunrise for the two of you... I am freezing at 49 to 50 each morning. ha ha

  3. We can see how happy Shyla is to be playing in the snow with you.

  4. You are so lucky to have such a perfect companion, and I'm sure Shyla feels the same way about you :)

  5. It's so great that you and Shyla are so in tune. I fear that not even the beauty of the sunlight nor the enthusiasm of the dog would get me out so early on a very cold morning.

  6. no words good enough. just a glorious tug at my heart and grins from ear to ear. XOXO

  7. I agree, you probably wouldn't find someone else willing to share the cold mornings with you. But obviously Shyla enjoys them as much as you do. That's fantastic!

  8. Those are all really beautiful sweet Shyla!

  9. Such a beautiful friendship you share...and what lovely sunrise photos of Miss Shyla!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  10. Was that her barking at this morning's amazing sunrise?

    1. Yes!!! Wasn't that amazing? I put up my drone to photograph it... but that's never as good as seeing it in person!

  11. Morning is such a perfect time of day, and I love how you and Shyla take full advantage of that special light. You are really two of a kind, made for each other. ♥
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. What gorgeous shots of you in the early morning, Shyla!

  13. We've always been early morning people. Best time of the day....made even more perfect with a happy, willing partner.

  14. Has Shyla been barking and howling more than usual? Or are you just recently been capturing it?

    Love your morning winter rides!

    1. She has been barking and howling a lot more since last summer. I think that it's part of her evolution toward being more confident. I have also put it on cue so that I can ask her to do it for a photo but I often don't have to ask :)

  15. Shyla you make my heart sing!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. Yes, it is a happy Shyla Saturday. I just kept going back to the picture of her howling. Wow.

  17. I KNEW I heard somethings! I told Ma it was Shyla, butts she didn't believes me! sigh. Wells, now I gots proof! YOu sounded FABulous btw gurl! pawfect pitch! BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  18. this just makes us so happy to see Shyla so happy!!!
    Mabel & Hilda


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