Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Hachi Chronicle - Gotcha Day

Do you remember a year ago? I sure do. It was the day that we met Hachi. He was said to be eight weeks old, freshly rescued off of city streets with his mom and surviving littermates.

He was cute enough to melt everyone's hearts. And he was tiny. If you look to the right of his snout - that's a human finger. The growth charts said that he'd end up 20-something lbs. He's about 50 lbs now. We think that either he was much younger than we thought or he was malnourished (or both).

He was very afraid but that's normal on a puppy's first day in his new home. This was our first attempt at a little walk with him. He wasn't interested in leaving the porch.

He loved his first toy, a stuffy that was about twice his size. He wrestled with it and looked so darn cute.

Fast forward a year - and he is a big strong dog. He's still afraid of the world but he's getting a little better with each passing week. Now that we understand his issues, we can help him.
When we met him, we had no idea what the coming year would hold. I won't lie - it's been a rough year with lots of worries. The amazing thing is that I feel as if all of us are coming out of the year stronger than we started it. Hachi is gaining confidence, and we are more bonded to him than ever.

Happy Gotcha Day, Hachi! We love you.


  1. You've grown from an adorable puppy into a handsome boy. Happy Gotcha Day, Hachi!

  2. ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day Dear Hachi,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you!♪♫

  3. Happy Gotcha Day, Hachi! and Molly is right. you are a truly handsome boy... we love you tooooo

  4. May you celebrate the small success and love you have for your boy today. Happy Gotcha Day Hachi!

  5. Happy Gotcha Day Hachi! We can't believe it's been a year already since we first met you.

  6. Happy Gotcha Day Hachi! My goodness, he certainly had a rough start in life, but so grateful that things are so much better now.

  7. Happy Gotcha Day! ♥
    Has it really been a year Oh my gosh time flies.
    His puppy picture makes me want to just kiss his sweet face.

  8. Hari OM
    Happy Hachi Day!!!!!!!!! Golly, that was a quick year. Then again, long in places. Here's to an even more successful 2020 for you all. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. Amazing - Well Done Humans


  10. Happy Gotcha Day, dear Hachi. Here's to a wagnificent year!

  11. Happy Gotcha Days. You are doing fabulous. Keep up the good work.

  12. Happy Gotcha Day Hachi...it was the first day for the best days of the rest of your life.
    I cannot imagine what a tiny puppy faced on the streets..Bless your heart and the hearts of your sibs and peeps.Hugs Cecilia

  13. Hachi, you've got it all, snow, R, a loving family, a warm home, and fun galore. We love youXXXXX

  14. It's been a roller coaster of a year with Hachi, but worth it, we think. He is improving and bringing some laughter to you.

  15. Happy Gotcha Day Hachi, you sure picked the best home ever!!!

  16. Happy Gotcha Day, Hatchi! You found each other for a reason. It may not be something obvious, but what you have gone through has made you all better and stronger. Hopefully the next year will be easier.

  17. Happy Gotcha Day Hachi! You've come a long way in a year - what a learning curve for you all!!! Your family has made a huge commitment to you, and is doing everything in their power to make you more comfortable in the big wide world. Love is a very powerful tool - as is everything else you (KB) have added to your bag of rehab tricks.

    Chris from Boise


  18. It seems like Hachi has been with you longer than a year, but maybe because there's been so much going on in all areas of life. Come to think of it, I had to check my own herd records to convince myself that Bud and Hazel are seeing their first Winter...it seems like they've been with me for 2 years already, not just 9 months. So I guess maybe it's just me?!

  19. Happy Gotcha Day, Hachi!!! We remember the sneak peak photos of you that KB shared with us. You have grown into a very handsome boy from a cute little pup. Keep up the good work - you are one very loved dog!!!

  20. Happy Gotcha Day Hachi!! You got the most wonderful home! You have come a long way
    Mabel & Hilda

  21. Hachi melted hearts then, and continues to today. Happy gotcha day, sweet boy

  22. Our Lucy did not like the leash and walks at first either. We joked about taking her for a drag. So glad to see how far Hachi has come. You have certainly gone the extra mile in order to help him. Kudos to you all.

  23. Hachi landed in the perfect home for him. We hope the next year brings lots more progress!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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