Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

I love the winter solstice. In the midst of the darkness, we know that the light will return little by little. I took this image years ago when I was out with our Black Dog and his sister at sunrise on the Solstice. I've shared a lot of life with our Black Dog.

I did a search of my photo library for images of our Black Dog taken on the Solstice. This was 2015. Look at those bright and young eyes, so full of happiness and mischief!

The following year, our Black Dog had a successful surgery to remove a melanoma from his leg shortly before the solstice. It's funny vet wrap but it does not apply to our Black Dog!

Because of R's "good hair",  it caught a snowflake the following year.

This one was from last year. Look at that handsome and earnest face!

And, this year. Still full of mischief, peeking from behind a tree.

Our Black Dog's vision may have darkened in the past year but his spirit is still bright.

Our Black Dog is such a fun fellow, always looking for snuggles, laughs, or one-on-one time with his humans. He inspires me to try to find the good in every day - because that is what he does, year-after-year and day-after-day.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. I love you R our 2nd favorite BIG black dog.. Big Boy of course is first but you are so beautiful, sweet and kinds. I guess that should be handsome. LOVE every single shot today.. melts my heart into a puddle

  2. A lovely portfolio! Happy First Longer Day, KB :)

  3. Such a handsome dog and such a wonderful spirit. I love the photo of him peeking from behind the tree. :)

  4. What a wonderful celebration of your beautiful black dog. R is the sweetest!

  5. Hari OM
    Such a catalogue of your Black Beauty!!! YAM xx

  6. What great images from the Solstice. Your Black Dog is such a handsome fella.

  7. We all love that special Black Dog R and his wonderful spirit!

  8. What An Amazing Little Face Back In 2015 - Peek-A-Boo Behind The Tree, Classic - That Snowflake Out Did My Snowflake Project For Sure, See My Latest Post - 'Our Black Dog's vision may have darkened in the past year but his spirit is still bright.' Talk About A Lump In The Throat - Thanx For Being You - Happy First Day Of Winter - Stay Strong In 2020

    Big Hugs

  9. Lovely photos from other years, and now R is still full of fun and full of love, given and received in heaps.

  10. A lovely post honoring your black dog.

  11. R that is one lucky, gorgeous snowflake that found it's way to your beautiful black furs!
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. A bright spirit is what counts. That snowflake photo is superb! Happy Solstice.

  13. Oh, I love that photo of the snowflake on his fur. But then all of these photos are terrific.

  14. Another bright spirit making our spririts bright. I do so look forward to my black dog Sundays. What an amazing dog!

  15. I love the black dog. He has made us smile many times.

  16. R you are a wonderful boy!!
    Mabel & Hilda

  17. OMD, all those photos are just amazin'!!!! You makes me smile every times I see your Handsome face R!!!!
    Ruby ♥


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