Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Shyla Saturday

Shyla and I have rolled out into the sunrise light most days this week. It is so quiet, with just the sound of Shyla's paws as she gallops along side me. An occasional animal rustles in the forest but we roll by briskly.

The reward is seeing the light of the rising sun. The snowy mountains glow magenta. Clouds light up in pinks and oranges. And, the sun shines weak beams of red light into the forest. We find the spots of light between the towering pines.

The sunlight is so weak at the solstice (today) that it doesn't seem to warm the world at all. But, its color is ethereal. This is the only time of year when we see this deep red colored sunlight near our home.
Being out together at sunrise is something that Shyla and I love. Over the years, it's become a part of our bond. Every year, that bond has grown stronger, partly because we share so much of our lives.


  1. Only 17 hours til Solstice, KB!

  2. Hari OM
    Floor to ceiling grey here today - except at midday (almost on the dot), when silver threads broke the clouds. I photographed that for posterity. A solstice memory for 2019. Your red dog was made for making these sorts of memories!!! YAM xx

  3. I love what that sun does to her furs.. so beautiful. Sunrise is my most favorite time of day..

  4. A Very Happy Winter Solstice To You AND Your Tribe - Extra Treats For ALL

    Big Hugs
    P.S. Just Love That Face

  5. Beautiful, and those early morning colours, we have 9Celsius this morning, it is cool, very unseasonal for December, and according to Google, our summer Solstice is tonight at 5.19 p.m. The bond with Shyla,. we have had cats that are a one person affair, Felicity was Hugh's and sat only on his knees, Poppy preferred her own company, Basil loved everyone, he was the one who differed in this respect, then a huge surprise...Boris sat on my knee the other night for the first time since he was a tiny kitten. Enjoy those morning rides together.

  6. I understand about that bond. Sharing so much of our lives - I called Lexi my partner - made us as close as we were. OK, trying to not cry now...

  7. Early morning before the hectic day begins, is the best time. And having dogs to enjoy it with is wonderful.

  8. What a wonderful way to start your day with your best furry friend in your lovely neck of the Rockies
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. You look so rich and beautiful, Shyla!

  10. What a beautiful image of your early morning girl!


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