Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 20, 2019

Nature and Feline Friday - Mother Bobcat and Big Kitten

You may remember that it seemed that Little Kitten was no longer with the bobcat family when I last updated you (video). I was partly convinced of that fact by seeing the mother and Big Kitten together 10 days after the last cam sighting of Little Kitten alone.

On that day, it seemed very clear that mom was playing a lot with her remaining kitten. This is mom in the basin where she loves to eat grass.

Suddenly, mom sprinted out of the camera view.

And another bobcat, Big Kitten, appeared in the camera view (lower left) just after that.

Very soon thereafter, mom reappeared, sprinting up the gully with her kitten in hot pursuit.
One of my favorite things is seeing adult animals playing with their offspring. Wild cats tend to seem so serious - and seeing this mother playing chase with her kitten makes me smile! We also saw her wrestle with her kitten in an earlier video. She's a good mom even if she couldn't help Little Kitten grow up.

Check out the video if you have time!

I am linking with the Feline Friday Blog Hop and the Nature Friday Blog Hop.


  1. They are so much fun to watch. Love the kitten with his dead prey.

  2. It's too bad little kitten is gone but it looks like big kitten is doing well.

  3. I hope they found a warm den for the night.. that kitten is so precious playing with the black thing, on the log...

  4. And how we all want the family to live Happily Ever After, life is hard . Love that play with the dead animal, our cats have done the same with mice!!!

    1. I wanted the two kittens to live happily ever after - with all my heart. But, tracking our wildlife families has taught me more strongly than ever that death is a part of life. And, I truly believe that the spirits of departed animals live on in our forest. And, their bodies feed so many other wildlife. It truly is the circle of life.

  5. Mol Mol that is the best action movie EVER
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Now those are felines and then some. So precious. It's a shame that the wild don't always get to keep their babies.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  7. So much fun to see your photos and footage of them doing what they do.
    Sad about the little kitten.

  8. Mama bobcat has a fine set of wheels on her! Guess you'd need them with an active baby.

  9. It's fun to see the cats together, sad about the little one but that is the way of nature. The kitten obviously isn't that hungry since he's still playing with his food. Thanks for sharing!

  10. She is a good Mama, the little kitten's days were numbered.


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