Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Thankful Thursday

Near the solstice, I need the beauty of winter to shine through to help keep me going.

And I need Shyla's happy enthusiasm for playing in the winter wonderland.

I need the sunrise light to make each day brighter. (Psst, Shyla, there's a black dog chasing you).

And, yes, I even feel gratitude for seeing a band of FIVE bull moose together on our fat biking route. This group (give or take one or two each day) has been hanging out together since early November. They were feisty this morning - a couple of them were sparring and a big one was busy killing aspen trees.

One wandered a short distance from the group, and I had a nice peek at him.
It is always a challenge to keep my spirits up in the darkest time of year but all of these things help, and I am grateful for that.


  1. love them... they have something magical... ;O)

  2. You live in the most beautiful spot on earth!

  3. It does look like your bike path goes right next to the big guy. Do you go back the way you came? Or are there other branches to follow? Or break new trail?

    1. On that day, I simply turned around and retraced my route. But, there are other trail options... After living with lots of moose for about 5 years now, I know to never try to pass a moose. If the moose is in a bad mood, he'll chase me for a long way!

  4. WoW, Them There Are Some Powerful Animals - Way Cool - Thankful That You All Were Safe - Happy Thursday


  5. That's a lot of moose. We hope you are using a long lens to take their pictures. It can be tough during these short days of the year but soon the days will start getting longer.

  6. You are a whiz with your camera. That first shot is breathtakingly beautiful.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. KB what gorgeous photos and commentary as to how each lifts you up.
    Hugs to you all

  8. I know just what you mean! I'm thankful we're almost to the solstice, and the days will stop getting shorter!! We're having sub-zero wind chills today and are mostly stuck inside. At least it's enjoyable looking out at the pretty snow and sunshine. One good thing about the snow is that it really brightens things up!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Less sunshine, but the animals and that snow filled beautiful landscape compensate. We have rain and a very grey sky down here, not at all like what NZ days should be in December.Love the moose there among the trees.

  10. Nature (and dogs) is a great healer of spirit. Love seeing the moose.

  11. I am thankful for your beautiful pictures.

  12. Hari OM
    Gorgeous images as always KB! YAM xx (who just scheduled a post along similar themes but very different scenery!)

  13. Those really are special thankfuls and Shyla is just the best! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  14. Like all of us, you have a lot to be thankful for. You really do live in God's country. We love Shyla.

  15. It just seems unbelievable that you go out biking and see moose and other really wild wildlife. It's sure a different world from mine. I'm glad it helps you with the winter doldrums. Soon the days will start getting longer again.

  16. Solstice seems to be coming fast this year!

  17. Those moose are beautiful, how lucky you are to be able to see them in their element. We love the darkness of winter as it forces us to slow down, and be more cozy. It's not for everyone, but we enjoy it a lot.

  18. What an amazing world you live in and (gratefully) share with us.

  19. Yes, our bull moose seem to congregate after mating season. There were lots of posts on Instagram awhile back when 3 bull moose strolled up the beginner hill on Peak 9! Bob and I came upon 2 bedded down while we were cross country skiing. We were too close but turned and moved away quickly. How do these you pass react to the dogs?


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