Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Wordless Wednesday

We had another stupendous sunrise last week. Shyla and I were up before dawn to photograph the moon setting over the mountains. On that day, the moon was hidden behind clouds (we got it on another sleepless morning).

The flipside was that the clouds lit up into a glorious palette when the sun rose.

I have a question for you - Which of these two photos do you like better? I took both that morning.

 What a sunrise that was!


  1. Wow, beautiful photos - and it's so hard to choose but we choose the second because it's larger.

  2. I'm going with the second also...plus it has more depth because you see the tops of distant mountains.
    However, the first would be great on a greeting card.Super photos.

  3. It's a toss up to us. Both pictures are stunning. We love how Shyla is howling in them.

  4. Hari OM
    Photographically speaking, the second is the 'winner' - law of thirds and all that... but Shyla-focus-speaking, who's to say?!! YAM xx

  5. The Portrait For A Print - Landscape As My Favorite - An Amazing Moment In Time


  6. If I had to choose, I'd say the vertical. The other is lovely, too, but the peaks distract the eye a tiny bit from the Star :)

  7. Shyla's muzzle leads the eye up; the vertical photo gives a better idea of what excites her. In the horizontal photo she seems to be looking out of frame. Both are gorgeous but my vote goes to the vertical.

  8. These photographs jump right off the page. Beautiful.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday and rest of the week. ♥

  9. They are both stunning but #2, Shyla's outline is sharper against the paler colours, and I,too, like more of the mountains there.Ditto to the law of thirds as well.

  10. I like the landscape best too, they are both wonderful though.

  11. Oh my Dogs....Shyla you are singing the glories of that beautiful sunrise.
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. That's not a fair question when they are both so beautiful!!!:) But we will go along with the majority and say #2 has a tiny edge.

  13. #2 is my pick. But this is a tough choice!

  14. Both photographs are wonderful. I think the first one is probably the better of the two but I actually like the second one more. Simply because it shows more of the lovely sky.

  15. Happy Wordless Wednesday!!! This is such a beautiful photo. We would have to say the second one with the wider view. But it's to hard to pick. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  16. Well, that's a tough choice, they are both gorgeous! I think the second one though; seeing more of the sky and mountains seems to give it more depth.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. It is a tough choice but I believe I like the second one most. It's composition is in perfect thirds just so artistic

  18. Definitely the first one. Even though it is a narrower scope, It really makes Shyla and the sky stand out more. At least I think so. :)

  19. we love the second one!!
    Mabel & Hilda

  20. Yes, I likes the second one the bestest, butts it sure is a close call!!! Can I vote for both????
    Ruby ♥

  21. I think the portrait format is better with the way the photo is rather tall and the dog is stretched up on a piece of landscape stretching up. The landscape one is nice, but your eyes want to go up and they are stopped unlike in the portrait format.

  22. The first one as it draws the eye up and you don’t get distracted by what is off to the left.


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