Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Best Duo Ever

R has been such a rock for Shyla. She is so bonded to him.
Sun puddle season is their favorite time to snuggle like this.

My heart swells each time I see them cuddled together because they are such an incredible pair. I try to appreciate every single day that they love each other like this. I want it to go on forever.

I love our Labraduo.


  1. it's so sweet to see them... we totally agree with you...

  2. Hari OM
    The love oozes from the screen... YAM xx

  3. My Eyes Have Tears - Pure Contentment - I Used To Love My Cuddle Puddle Time With The Boy Dog While He Snoozed In The Sun On His Or My Bed - Those Were The Best Power Naps Ever - No Extra Biscuits Today, Please Dump The Whole Damn Can Of Treats On The Floor


  4. Aw, what a perfect shot of those two. It's a wonderful thing.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. so sweet and heart melting. I miss seeing Baby and Jake together in the sun puddle. Big suns alone.

  6. What a bond they have, and to share the pillow and sunlight together, extra special.

  7. Oh if only Pups ran the world....all that love.
    I love your Labraduo too. Thank you for sharing them with us
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. That is so precious. Mom says her Katie and Emma used to be like that. It's great they are so close to each other.

  9. We've had dogs that were very close to each other, but never any that snuggled quite as much or as closely as these two! They are adorable! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. They are a very special duo. I love seeing them together.

  11. Angels Ciara and Thunder were like that too. It is a very special bond those two have.

  12. Such a special picture of the very special duo
    Mabel & Hilda

  13. They just look so chummy I want to hug them both.

  14. OMD, does it gets any better than that???? no. no it doesn't.....wells, unless you gots a margarita in your paws.....
    Ruby ♥

  15. I wish my two would snuggle, but I have actually never seen a schnauzer snuggle with another animal, and Xena is my 4th.


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