Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Hachi Chronicle

Another good week for Hachi! We have a good streak going.

He handled most of life calmly this week. He played enthusiastically with Shyla, he got along with every human and dog who we met on the trails, and he had no outbursts toward R. He did get very anxious when we had workers at the house all day on Saturday (you heard the barking)!

He's already making big strides forward with his harness. He is happy to see it when I take it out, and he seems to like when I clip the neck strap into place (because he gets lots of treats). That's as far as I've taken it - I've learned that it's much better to go more slowly than I think is necessary than to go too fast.

I've started a course on therapeutic play with Hachi. It's a course that I took a few years ago with Shyla, and it made a big difference in helping her to let down her guard. I already can feel my bond with Hachi growing stronger from playing together twice per day. The goal is to use play to help Hachi to relax in environments that he currently thinks are scary.

Shyla already knows how to play with Hachi!
Tomorrow, we make the long trek to meet with Hachi's behavioral vet. It marks six months since we first took Hachi to her. It's been a wild ride so far but the future is looking very hopeful.


  1. we hope you will get good news tomorrow and you have a good journey...

  2. love that race in the snow, those furs looks wonderful in the sunlight. hope the visit goes well with the vet.

  3. Hooray for Hachi! Keep up the good work all of you.

  4. Great work! I've said it before Hachi is very fortunate to be with you.

  5. Hachi if I were there I'd give you a great big sloopy kiss and hug. Well done to you and your Peeps!!
    Good luck with your Vet visit.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Hari OM
    This is such a lovely post to read, with all the pawsitiffs!!! Go Hachi!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. That is great. Every second that he feels better and doesn't show aggression is a good thing and shows progress. Good luck at the behaviorist appt.

  8. We hope you have lots more positive weeks, Hachi! Good luck at your vet's tomorrow.

  9. Everything is looking so good for Hachi to do really well in everything he meets every day. Let the long trip be so worthwhile, when you visit the vet.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Keep up the good work! Sounds like you're making progress.

  12. Our fingers are crossed that all your good work is paying off--not just a lull in bad behaviour!!!

  13. I hope you get a good assessment from the behavioral specialist! Looking forward to hearing about it :)

  14. Great news Hatchi! Good luck with your vet tomorrow!

  15. You have done a great job with Hachi. We are rooting and praying for him.

  16. Yay for another good week!! You are so wonderful with Hachi!
    Mabel & Hilda

  17. We are so glad to hear that dear Hachi had a good week again and good luck with the Vet visit.

  18. We think the behavioral vet will most likely be impressed with Hachi's progress; we sure are! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  19. Another good week - more great news! You're doing a great job.

    We'll see you in class - I just (last-minute) enrolled at Bronze. "Sweet" Rowan has decided to be mildly leash-reactive (NOTHING like Hachi and Habi), and I want to nip it in the bud. :-)

    Chris from Boise

  20. We love hearing that Hachi had a good week - you are making great progress.

  21. So glad you had a good week. May this week be just as good.


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