Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

A Meadow that is Paradise for Wildlife

I've been wanting to share some peaceful scenes from a meadow that the wildlife think is paradise. It is a windy and very cold spot but that doesn't seem to affect the coyotes or elk. You can hear the power of the wind in some of the clips. Despite the howling wind, the animals love it.

Lots of coyotes traversed the meadow over the past month. They trotted or galloped past my camera one-by-one. This one is headed past the den that the pack used in past years. You can see where it is because there's a broken branch sticking up from the snow.
February is the usual coyote mating season. It will be interesting to see how their behavior changes during mating season and then as they prepare for pups to arrive in about April.

The elk also enjoyed this meadow over the past month. My cam recorded lots of small groups of elk grazing and relaxing. However, I chose a clip of many elk galloping into the middle of the meadow to share with you. The sheer power of the herd awed me.

You'll see in the video that they formed a tight group after they arrived in the middle of the meadow. That usually means that something scared them into fleeing. If it were a predator like a mountain lion (not likely in broad daylight in a big open meadow), you can imagine how all the elk being very close together would be safer.

Check out the video if you have time!


  1. Hari OM
    I adore your wildlife views!!! YAM xx

  2. it is so great to see what happens in nature... but I would fear while e. coyote and co... I'm no road runner ;O)

  3. You live in such a wonderful place. I'd be doing the same as you. Well I can't take photographs, but I'd be out there.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  4. this is the elk version of circle the wagons I think. this way they can rear up and use hooves for protection. I do hope it was not human chasing them.. the coyote looks a lot like a german shepherd

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  6. W.O. Mitchell wrote "Who has seen the wind", and after viewing the one clip of the coyote as he's moving across the screen I can say I have. The elk gathering makes sense too, if they were getting away from a predator, grouping together in an open area means they can see the threat coming.

  7. I'm so glad that you know how to capture the wild life on your mountain. Coyotes seem to be the only wild critters to thrive here after the drought years and more people moving in to our canyon. They are all around our house every morning, singing their wild and haunting songs.

  8. How terrific it must be to see such a show on a regular basis!

  9. Ohhh that is the interstate for your beautiful wildlife.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. That is a very peaceful scene to watch. The elk herd is so beautiful.

  11. Wow. I can almost feel the wind coming through the computer screen. The elk don't seem troubled by it though.

  12. A huge herd, I tried to do a head count, maybe over 150 of them, and safety in numbers all together, the coyote bushy tails are lovely, guess they help keep that cold air off their faces when curled up asleep.

    1. Thank you! I tried to count and I kept dozing - it's kind of like counting sheep!

  13. Thank-you for sharing. It must be incredible being able to watch such magnificent creatures in the wild, like these elk and coyote.

  14. The Elk are bunched up, but they don't seem too wary....maybe it was a false alarm. So interesting.

  15. That big meadow reminds me of some of the landscape near my son's house in Evergreen. They have elk roaming through their neighborhood from the preserve.

  16. Your videos are always interesting. I'm surprised that the coyote den seems to be so exposed in the middle of the meadow.

    1. I think that our coyotes want to stay away from our forest dwelling cats (lions and bobcats). Being out in the open is how they do that because those animals don't like open places.

  17. I love your videos. It is fascinating that all these animals can get along together. I wish humans could do that good.

  18. We love the wildlife we see around here, but it's never in huge groups like that! Beautiful.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. There aren't that many herd animals left in the US - except elk and some others in Yellowstone.

  19. Wow! That herd size is more than impressive. Amazing. And that wind...and I think it's blows down the hill! 😊


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