Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 27, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle - Lots of Smiles

Hachi is making fantastic progress. He is more playful, more mellow, and more peaceful. I don't know exactly why this is happening now but I'll take it! I suspect that it's a combination of being on the right meds (finally!) and lots of play with me and Shyla.

One good thing is Hachi's friendship with Shyla. They play together almost every day. Here he is starting to chase her.

They often play chase the dog who has the stick. Of course, they eventually catch up to each other, and then they play some tug with the stick. They both love it so much.

And then the cycle restarts. Shyla ran off with the stick, and Hachi chased. They would keep doing this for hours if they could.
As I watch them play, I wonder if playing with another dog does similar wonderful things to a dog's state of mind as playing with a human. I'm guessing so. So I think that Hachi's playtime with Shyla is probably part of why he's doing so well.

The other huge good sign about Hachi has occurred when R blindly wanders toward Hachi's ex pen. Up until quite recently, Hachi reacted in a big way with aggressive-sounding barking that scared us all. In the past few days, R has wandered quite close to the ex pen twice, and Hachi did not react at all. He just lay on his bed peacefully as we guided R away. I was astounded to see Hachi not react.
We are in such a good phase with Hachi. His warm heart is finally shining through his fear. I am grateful beyond words.


  1. oh that is wonderful!!!! and we love that photos... the first one is toooo cute!

  2. Such good news! I hope Hachi has turned a corner and will just feel more and more at ease now :)

  3. That is wonderful for dear Hachi. He probably respects the difficulty R is facing.

  4. So wonderful. I'm so happy things are working out for all of you and especially Hachi. He's so handsome.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. Wonderful! That final photo is simply beautiful.

  6. fantastic news! so happy to hear this. I love to see them playing together. stick chasing together was Baby and Jakes favorite thing to do, just like Hachi and Shyla

  7. We are so happy to see this great report on Hachi. He is lucky to have you and Shyla to help him learn to be a happy pup.

  8. KB I can read your excitement in each and every word. You have guided us on a tour of a real live miracle
    Hugs to you, runner and the Pack

    1. I couldn't have said it better myself. Wonderful news!

  9. Continue on Hachi with all that is good in every day.Thankful for the change, and his eyes say he is full of joy.

  10. We love hearing awesome news! You are such a handsome boy, Hachi!

  11. Good news, slow but sure he is making progress - I just love that pup, sending purrs and prayers his way.

  12. I wonder if Hachi now believes he is "top dog" and doesn't feel the need to fight for it.

  13. Dog play has to be great for mental development. Fingers crossed, Hachi and R can get along.

  14. That is such wonderful news about Hachi. The photo of Shyla and Hachi with the big stick is just the best. Hachi has really grown up beautifully. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. Have a fantastic rest of your week.
    World of Animals

  15. XOXO … they've all said it so well! and I agree! isn't peace wonderful? :)

  16. This is so wonderful, and we are so happy for you! Hachi has the perfect family (canine and human) to help him make this progress. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. I'm so glad to hear Hachi is doing so well! I love watching dogs play with each other - I think it's really good for them.

  18. I think you have had a wonderful effect on all you dogs.

  19. What wonderful progress. Hopefully he will continue to feel better about everything and will learn that R is nothing to fear.

  20. Yeah, Hachi! Well done, mister. Keep racking up those play dates.


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