Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog had a better week. He's more adventurous despite his blindness, trying to walk from one part of the house to another by himself. He's also getting lost inside the house less frequently. I am trying to let him "work it out" when he seems flummoxed by the layout of the house because I think that he'll learn faster if we don't intervene to help him immediately every time.

The biggest good thing is his demeanor. He seems happier. He still goes for short runs in the mornings with the Runner when he wants to. Not only does he want to but he's resumed carrying the leash in his mouth as he runs. He did that for his whole life until recently. That is a true sign of happiness and enthusiasm!
(This photo was taken at the end of last winter - in May. I don't think that he'd run like that now although some blind dogs learn to do so.) 

He is learning the new cues that we use to lead him like "step up", "step down", and "follow me" really fast. He's so good at them that our timing needs to be impeccable so that he doesn't step up or down too early!

It's incredible to watch him bouncing back from his world going dark. Can you imagine how scary it must be for anyone who becomes blind, even if it's a slow process? Yet, our Black Dog seems light-hearted and happy already. He's my inspiration.


  1. That is such good news about Black Dog. What an inspiration he is indeed.

  2. so happy to hear this, I can't even imagine how it is for him. with humans we know what is happening and can discuss it, he can only depend on you and you are doing a fantastic work with him

  3. Hi KB, Our blind Greyhound gets "lost" in the house periodically, and we have learned that he has to walk a route around until he figures out where he is. He slouches low to the ground, and because we have steep indoor stairs leading down to the basement, he reaches out and feels the ground in front of him to make sure that he doesn't end up tumbling downstairs. Once he has walked his route a few times, he orients himself. It is odd, though, that some spots like his beds, or even the kitchen floor do not trigger awareness of location until he finishes his walkabout. Otherwise, you wouldn't know he was blind. R will be just fine...

  4. He is such a smart fellow - I'm not surprised he is adjusting so quickly, but I'm very happy to hear it. Especially the HAPPY part :)

  5. We're happy to hear R has had a good week and hope he continues to have more to come.

  6. Happy Black dog day to you R... It just tickles my inners when I see dogs carrying their leash.
    Our next door neighbor keeps her Granddog, Baker (sometimes we call him Barker, he has a lot to say) a Golden Retriever. When she attaches his leash for a walk he still has some of it his mouth.
    hugs Cecilia

  7. Hari Om
    Such a joy to know adaptation is working -mostly. YAM xx

  8. You make our hearts smile, R. Stay happy forever and ever♥

  9. He's an inspiration I can use right now. Thank you!

  10. Good news for R and for you. I'm glad he's doing so well.

  11. how I love that dog. some just touch your very soul. and he does!

  12. I always find it amazing how animals adapt to their situation so quickly. Black Dog is doing well.
    My brother once had a cat who was both blind and deaf. It knew its way around inside the house, but would sometimes still get disorientated - then it would just sit down (usually in front of a wall) and wait to be rescued.

  13. Good for your Black Dog. As long as he's happy, he'll be fine.

  14. Dear R, you having a good week made my heart smile.

  15. He is amazing! We are so happy R is finding his way and you are doing so great with helping him!♥♥♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. Happy. That is the most important and magic word. And I'm delighted it describes the marvelous black dog.

  17. I love this! I am so glad that its been a good week for him, because I know that means you've had a good one with him too!

  18. He is such a smart dog. You can't keep him down. I don't know how this would work but is there a way to use his sense of smell to get him around the house.

  19. You are a true inspiration my furiend!!!! And a smart puppers as well! I am so glads you had a good week....I'll keep my paws crossed that this week is even betters!
    Ruby ♥

  20. Dogs are amazingly resilient. You and your boy are very inspirational to me.


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