Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 25, 2020

A Morning with Shyla

Shyla and I stood together as the sun peeked over the eastern hills one morning this week.

Then, we entered the forest that I love so much. I adore how the sun lights up selected pine trees in the forest at sunrise, and of course, how it shines on my Shyla.

Shyla flashed me a difficult-to-interpret look as I snapped a photo.

Soon, we headed up higher to where we can see the mountains with no obstructions. Hug Hill is so glorious in the morning but also so cold when the wind is blasting off of the Divide. That wind out of the west was why the clouds were so beautiful but it also meant that my fingers went numb while taking this photo.

On a more serious topic, after much deliberation and research, we've decided to try a daily medicine to reduce Shyla's anxiety. I'd love if we could get rid of the worry that still colors how Shyla sees the world and even prevents her from doing some things. She's starting at a low dose, and we'll see how it goes. The biggest worry, as with any epileptic dog, is that it might increase her seizure frequency. Based on my research and the vet's advice, I think that the odds of that happening are low which is why we are trying this.

What a special dog Shyla is. We want her to be as happy as she possibly can be.


  1. Shyla is a diamond in the ruff... that thought came because the sun in the first one looks like a sparkling diamond. hope the meds help

  2. Shyla is such a lovely dog and so fortunate to live at your side with all the care and love you give to her. I hope the medication will work and without side effects. It's good to be back to blogging. As an asides: As I'm going through old things, I found a picture of me at the sign at the Continental Divide. Back in 1969...

  3. Shyla sure is a beauty. We hope the new meds will help her feel better and not cause any problems.

  4. What a wonderful girl you have! Please keep us posted on how the med change goes. Here's hoping smoothly and effectively, to dial down her concerns a bit. Your behavioral work has improved her life so much; it could be that her brain chemicals just need a little more pharmacological help.

    Chris from Boise

  5. We agree, Shyla should be as happy as she is beautiful!

  6. If that were one of my cats, the look would be saying: C'mon mom enough with the flashy box!

    Hope the meds work for Shyla with no adverse reactions.

  7. Such a sweetheart. Love seeing her running wild and free.

  8. Please tell Shyla I love how all the nature that surrounds her...eagerly adapts to her gorgeous colors....some may say she adapts but I chose to believe everything wants to be just like her.
    I one's quality of life is impawtant and I'm glad you can help Shyla live each day in good spirits
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Shyla and the colours glow together, and with new meds, maybe her fears will settle to an almost invisible level. Like us humans, trial and error with all meds sometimes.

  10. What a gorgeous sky! You look nice and warm, Shyla, despite the frigid day. Paws and fingers are crossed that the medicine works.

  11. Shyla looks so beautiful in that early morning light! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. Shyla and the sun just go together, those brilliant shades and eyes.

  13. The lighting makes Shyla even more beautiful!

  14. Fingers crossed here that you get all the positive effects of the new drug and none of the negative. Good luck. Shyla and you deserve a good outcome.

  15. You have found the perfect partner in Shyla. Saying prayers that the new medication works.


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