Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 24, 2020

Feline and Nature Friday - Scent Marking by Mountain Lions and a Labrador

This is the story of a mountain lion marking site. You might remember the breeding pair of mountain lions who we followed back in November (Part 1, Part 2). Their path to getting together started in this site. The female showed up here first.

She marked under the tree.

She even rolled under the tree.

Then, last November, she went off and spent a few days with a male lion before returning to mark the same spot again, doubtless hoping to attract another mate while she was still in estrus.

Soon thereafter, we had a couple of big snowstorms, dropping several feet of snow. No animals passed this spot for months because the snow was just too deep for walking in this area.

Then, in early January, a yellow Lab came by (her humans were outside the view of the cam). Notice that I'd rotated the trail cam to the left based on the the November lions' behavior but it is the same spot. The Lab must have smelled the lion's marking scents, and she chose to mark in the same spot as the lion did a couple of months earlier. A dogs' sense of smell blows my mind. Her audacity blows my mind too but I've seen Shyla do this same thing many times.

Just a few days later, a male lion visited the same spot. In this photo, he'd just marked the same spot as the Lab and the female lion from November.

The male lion paced all over the area under this sprawling Ponderosa Pine, marking four times - so he was leaving very strong signals. Then he stopped and looked straight at the camera. I think that he'd spotted it.
As you'll see over my coming posts, a female lion found his scent markings. The male and female ended up getting together. I believe that the female was the same one as from last November. She must not have gotten pregnant so she is in estrus again. 

Check out the video if you have time. Daytime footage of a lion is rare and so interesting.


  1. Hari OM
    Nothing beats peemail!!! YAM xx

  2. we would like to read what he wrote LOL

  3. Oh how Bertie would love the opportunity to make his mark where a lion has already visited!

  4. He is certainly very thorough about his business!

  5. Funny, on one of my trail cams I've seen a fisher mark where a coyote marked just days before...audacious indeed!

  6. He's such a powerful looking cat, just beautiful!

  7. What a great story. We can't wait to hear more about the lion couple.

  8. Ohhh that is some serious Pee Mail!!
    Love seeing the Mtn. Lion...such a beautiful feline
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. That must be quite the bulletin board to leave messages! Amazing daytime footage.

  10. he is one handsome dude! I just love his face when he stares right in the cam lens... I am with easy wanting to know what message he left. like a valentine love song to the female is what I am thinking. Hi, I am here, waiting, come on over, or out.... with a few ❤❤💋💋

  11. We do hope they eventually got together and there will be little ones in Spring.

  12. I was telling hubby about your photographs, videos and all the wonderful beauty you live in.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  13. Loved watching your video. Nature is so amazing.

  14. Thank you for sharing this story, photos and video. All so interesting to consider.

  15. That's pretty amazing and they really are special.

  16. Dogs sense of smell is something humans can't even comprehend. We lost a nose work hide in the fall. In the spring about 6 months later after all the cold, snow, rain, etc, we were searching in the same area and found that hide. It is funny seeing the dog pee on the lions spot! Same behavior ideas I guess. It's all about marking.

  17. I often wonder when Luke marks when we're out on our walks if he's marking where passing wildlife did as well.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. How wonderful to see all the mysterious, behind the scenes, things that go on around us. Thanks again for sharing!!


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