Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Almost Wordless Wednesday - The Lion Moon Sets over the Mountains

This month's full moon was obscured by clouds when it rose and set for two days in a row. I decided to try once more to photograph it as it set over our mountains after the official full moon had passed. As Shyla and I pedaled out of our clearing early in the morning of that day, I was certain that the moon wouldn't be visible because I could see the pinkish glow of a cloud bank over the Continental Divide.

But, as long as we were up early and out on the trails, it seemed worth taking a look. My studded tires crunched on the hard pack snow as we made steady progress toward my favorite lookout point. We crested the ridge and coasted downhill toward the exposed western view.

As the moon came into view, I gasped and said "wow"! I didn't have much time to set up my tripod and my camera before the moon set below the clouds. Meanwhile, I was also supervising Shyla so she stayed very close (I worry about wildlife early in the morning).

I managed to get everything set up while the moon was still barely above the orange-pink cloud bank.
And, it was worth keeping Shyla close as we watched the beautiful moonset. My trail cam showed a mountain lion was in our neck of the woods as I photographed the moon. I know that this full moon was officially called the "Wolf Moon" but I'm calling it the "Lion Moon".


  1. love it!!! the hole in the clouds in the middle (left) looks like a horseman ;O)

  2. Hari OM
    I did manage one shot before actual full moon... still in the camera, I'll pull it out eventually. Nothing as dramatic as this scene though. YAM xx

  3. KB...did you hear me clapping and giving your photo a STANDING OVATION!!
    What a picture..I can picture it enlarged and framed.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. when I saw the Lion Moon, I thought, this was the wolf moon, now I know why you changed its name. no matter the name it is a stunning view of that moon set

  5. Beautiful full moon.
    I told Jeff this morning don't open the door it's too cold!
    And here you are before sun up out taking awesome photos
    of the moon. So thank you for sharing.

  6. Wow! We don't know what else to say other than that.

  7. Wow! And glad Shyla and you had each others' backs while focusing on the moon!

    Chris from Boise

  8. Wow, just wow. You take the great shots.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. Wow, that's amazing! Glad you and Shyla didn't run into the mountain lion.

  10. My Jaw Just Dropped Off My Face - Amazing Capture

    Big Hugs

  11. You have shown us the true beauty of those early morning colours. So glad SDhyla stayed close, maybe the wild life could not miss that either. Stupendous.!!!

  12. So very beautiful...and I am all for calling it the lion moon!

  13. Your early morning efforts are much appreciated. So beautiful.

  14. That is just beautiful!!! We applaud your determination to catch that "Lion" Moon.

  15. Just simply amazing to see this photo. We are happy that you and Shyla were able to enjoy the beautiful moon set. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful rest of your Wordless Wednesday.
    World of Animals

  16. Nice shot. Good Shyla stayed close. All wildlife seems to be out most at dawn and dusk, even the rabbits and squirrels.

  17. I agree with all these comments. Stunning. Are mountain lions afraid of people?

    1. They tend to avoid people - they'd prefer not to be seen if possible.

  18. That is totally amazing! I'm glad the mountain lion wasn't a problem.

  19. Great job getting that photo and keeping Shyla safe all at the same time! We love your Lion Moon.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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