Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Life isn't easy, as we all know. I suspect that many people are like me - they embrace their favorite part of life as a way of coping less easy parts of life.

I make sure that I don't miss my mornings with Shyla. They recharge my energy and optimism so that I can do my best with other, more difficult things, for the rest of the day.

I took this photo this morning, just as the rising sun touched our neck of the woods and Shyla's beautiful face.
Thanks for putting up with me, Shyla.


  1. the golden pup... in any way...and with the biggest golden heart...

  2. Shyla's face is full of love,
    her fur has to be a soft as
    an angels kiss.

  3. We love that glowing Shyla beauty! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. Precious Shyla, you would be a joy for anyone's morning! Best to all!

  5. Shyla loves you so much, she'd 'put up' with a lot! But sounds like her just being around is an inspiration to you.

  6. We think Shyla enjoys her mornings with you too!

  7. I think you are wise to have created a ritual that boosts your energy and optimism first thing in the morning! I'm usually up and about at least once, often twice, between bedtime and dawn, so actual "morning" is sometimes disjointed and stumble-y for me, so I don't get outside right away. But I do always see the sun come up - and go down - from my porch, and it's important to me, even if I'm seeing it through windows :)

  8. We are pretty sure that Shyla doesn't view her connection to you as "putting up with you". There is a look of true love in her eyes - all for you.

  9. Shyla is the exact color of your Colorado sunrises...and I admit to being a wee bit envious of her lovely shade of Auburn furs
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Beautiful photo.
    Some (non-dog) folk seem to think that getting up early to take your pup for a walk must be a burden. But we know better, that this is often the most treasured part of the day.
    Cheers, Gail.

  11. I think morning boosts are wise. They give optimism for the day ahead. Cute peeking Shyla.

  12. Shyla has come so far from a frightened pup to a more confident and happy dog. And that is thanks to your patience and persistence, I feel sorry for people who have never known the joy of bonding with a dog. They have no idea of the rewards they give you in making a happy place in your life.

  13. I get that....I'm not sure I could stay sane without my special times with Luke every day. If we don't get our morning walk, I'm off for the rest of the day. We're coming into a bad spell of winter weather, so we'll come up with some other ways to have fun....games are always good.
    Don't you just wish we could do nothing but hang out with our dogs though? :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. It takes a special dog for a special person and I think anyone in the dog world understand that bond. I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for dogs. They help me survive and thrive. I love that about them. Love the pic of Shyla behind the tree. So elegant and yet so simple.

  15. Mom says that us girls are her therapy, along with our dog sports. We get her mind off work and stuff and she is able to clear her head.

  16. Shyla, are just so beautiful. We love that every morning it's a new adventure with you mom. The gorgeous sunshine on your face to start a new day together. Thanks for the share. Have a fantastic rest of your day and a fun upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals

  17. I love it when Shyla plays peek-a-boo with you!


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