Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 31, 2020

Feline and Nature Friday - A Female Mountain Lion in Estrus

A female mountain lion who was recently in estrus must have her territory with our home as its epicenter.I delighted in seeing her behavior in a circle all around where I live.

I first picked up her footage when she was with a male lion - probably our resident tom cat. I caught only about the last day of their time together. But, it sure was fun to see them together and to listen to their vocalizations.

Then, the female was on her own. Based on her behavior, she was searching for another mate. She was visiting lion "hot spots" where there are clusters of scrapes (scent marks) close together. At the first one, she was interested in something up in the air, above the view of my camera. When I looked up there, I didn't see anything but she seemed to smell something.

Then, she lay down in the scrapes left by male lions, and she rolled. She also groomed. In this frame, she was licking her shoulder. Look how her toes were spread out on her hind paw.

Then, she seemed to smell something again.

As she left this site, she started calling out, perhaps calling to male mountain lions. I absolutely love hearing these sounds.

Be sure to have your sound on when you watch the video.


  1. oh I agree with you!!!! we once had a stranded circus in our kraal, they had to stay for 3 weeks because of an outbreak of a disease and I LOVED the noises of the big cats at night... (although my heart was heavy to see all this animals behind bars)

  2. It's so much fun to sneak peaks into their private world!

  3. Hari OM
    Purrs of a very special kind!!! YAM xx

  4. That is fascinating! I wonder if, as she's searching for a different mate, if the first didn't get her pregnant?

    1. It's tricky business because the dominant male lion will defend his territory against male interlopers. However, the literature says that female lions mate with multiple males while in estrus (about a 9 day period). So, she is probably searching for another mate but fights could ensue.

  5. they are so beautiful, and it is fascinating to see them in their natural habitat. for some reason today I notice what I did not notice in previous videos/photos. how low the bottom limbs to the trees are to the ground, their backs almost touch the limbs, that is what made me notice

  6. That's one beautiful cat.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. Such an interesting video. Maybe someday we will see her with another male.

  8. Love the paws, and her tail at the end, hope she found a mate and there will be cubs next season , Hugh was listening and thought it was the new member of our family, what we thought was a stray cat belongs to a family up the street, a lilac Abyssinian, 12 years old, we think,and very vocal. We have found his other home and he commutes between us and them.

  9. The video footage is stunning. The cat calls and the cat eyes!

  10. Interesting calls. Hope she finds the right guy soon.

  11. How interesting in so many ways! And I am again reminded and always struck by how much our domestic kitty's are so much like their wild counterparts.

    PS: On your previous post - I am cheering you on for Haichi! He could not be in a more perfect place, or have a more perfect family!

  12. That dear kitty sure is a pretty one and pretty loud too!

  13. I love watching nature documentaries but have never heard a cat make noises like that. Then I realized it was a mountain lion and most documentaries we see focus on African lions, so are probably a bit different. I really enjoy your videos.

  14. Put some music behind this and you've got some animal porn.


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